L6 - porifera Flashcards
why no terrestiral?
not terrestrial because need water to filter feed.
4 classes of porifera
basic morphological features
- defined by lack of features
- no true tissue no mouth/gut no muscles. maybe osculum = sensory no axes of symmetry.
features present
water canal system
internal skeleton = spicules/spongin.
cells autonomous, show totipotency/pluripotency
water channel system in sponge A- incurrent pore name? B- outcurrent pore? C-what is spongocoel? how is movement of water thru body achieved?
A in = ostia
B out = oscula
C water-filled central cavity
choanocytes, flagellated, w collar beat water thru/
3 major body plans
ascanoid - single flagellated pumping cavity
sycanoid - many flagellated canals radiate from spongocoel
leucanoid - many flagellated chambers connected by passive canals
5 cell types in sponges
pinacocytes archaocytes myocytes prorocytes choanocytes
pinaocoyte function
flat cells cover outer body = pinacoderm.
not true epithelium bc lack basil lamina.
archaeocytes - amoebocytes
totitpotent - make spicules, spongin or transport food to vacuoles.
contractile cells. open and close oscula.
tubular cells form opening to ostia in some groups
pumping, feeding, transform into sperm (pluripotent)
– look like choanoflagellate protists
spongin = fibrillar colagen
spicules - calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide.
feeding of sponges
choanocytes capture food, beating flagella draw water in. large particle trapped, phagocytozed.
pinococyte and ameobocyte opportunistically phagocytose food particles coming into choanocyte cell body.
- some harbour photosynthetic endosymbionts.
- some are carnivourous.
sponge sneeze.
danger with getting clogged with sediment = cilia @ oscula triggered by water flow. communicate w myocyte to induce strong contraction of oscula
reproduction of sponges
asexual (budding & fragmentation) and sexual.
sequentially hermaphroditic.
choanocytes => sperm. broadcast spawning. both egg and sperm released in water column. larva develop and swim before settlement. feed by lecithotrophy
getting all food from yolk supply.
repair and recognition
amoebocytes go to missing area and repair sponge.
- evidence of immune response. can recognize self vs non-self.
define hermaphroditism
individual is both male and female
define protandry
male first, female later
define protogyny
female first, male later
external - if released in water column
internal - if only sperm is broadcast, eggs may be brooded
larvae - swim briefly, food?
define lecithotrophy
get food form yolk supply
embryos go thru what kind of cleavage?