L6 Flashcards
Interpreting morphology
- Making valid hypotheses is very reasonable
- Principles are similar throughout time eg rainbows appear now, conditions were similar back then, so dinosaurs must have seen rainbows
- Interpretation is a reasonable method as long as it is sensible and evidence based
Part 1: Reconstructing the animal
- Reconstruct animal off anatomical knowledge based on nearest living relatives (crocodiles)
- In situ specimens provide good evidence
- Sliding up a phylogeny we can look at birds/ emus etc
“Fleshing up” a dinosaur skeleton
- Not much soft tissue preservation so is challenging
- Look at muscle attachment and anatomical knowledge
Part 2: Reconstructing its capabilities, Biomechanics
- We can work out bone movement
- Size of muscles mass/ strength etc
- This is computer based
- We use 3-D computer animation based on complex engineering algorithms
- Finite strain analysis eg jaw strength
- Multi-disciplinary
Finite strain analysis can be used to work out what?
Jaw strength
- Lots of work has been done
- Single print can work out foot structure etc
- Evidence foot length is about a quarter of length from foot to hip, so can work out stride possibility
- Can also work out dinosaur speed
Dinosaur speed
6- 40 km/hr
Small bipedal theropods and ornithopods 40km
Large bipedal theropods and ornithopods 20km
Quadrepedal stegosaurs and ankylosaurs 6-8km
Quadrepedal sauropods 12-17km
Quadrepedal ceratopsians galloping 25km
Intelligence of dinosaurs
- Sauropods are very low brain size to body size
- EQ ratio of body size to brain size
- Hunters had largest brain size
- Flying dinosaurs have a large EQ (flying in three dimensional planes) Dromaeosauridae
- Runaway evolutionary trajcetory
What dinosaurs had the largest brain size?
Dinosaur senses
- Can look at eye socket size
- Brain endocasts
- Few endocasts available
- CAT scan
- Compare brain to similar anatomic relative
- Can make some inferences about senses
Dinosaur diet
- Reconstruct ecosystem based off rocks from the same time period
- Pollen spores and plant fossils
- Calculate a food-web
Gut contents
Evidence for dinosaur diet (6)
1 Teeth form
2 Jaw adaptations
3 Co- occurence
4 Coprolities
5 Gut contents
6 Fortuitous finds
Teeth form
- Crushing vegetation, vs serrated for eating flesh
Jaw adaptations
- Reptiles cannot masticate and chew like mammals, they have inflexible jaws
- Cheek and jaw can dislocate and go sideways so they can grind and swallow
- Somewhat a chewing mechanism
Work out food webs