L10 Flashcards
How we study human evolution: Temporal framework
- Neogene time scale
- Mioscence, piloscene, pleistocene and holocene
- Tight stratigraphy of fossils
- Humans are linked to tighter ages as it is more recent
Various dating methods
- Half- life radioactive decays
- Radiopottasium
- Slew of dating techniques
Ice-house world
- Ice-caps create an unstable environment
- Milankovich cycles
- Humans evolved in an environmentally unstable world
- Understanding climate is important
Attempts to use technological innovations to date deposits
- Not a good idea
- Technologies get copied
- Not sensible to date deposit off tools
Reconstructing palaeogeography
- Active ……
- Palaeogeography changes and expands based upon milankovich cycles
- Sea- level and shelf change, exposing more continent
Reconstructing environment
- Characteristics depend on climate
- Pollen stores can reconstruct vegetation
- Vegetation change can be tracked
Human evolution was in a complex, cold period of time
How we study human evolution: evidence from living organisms 4
- Anatomy
- Genomics
- Physiology
- Behaviour
- Look at humans nearest relative (chimpanzee)
- Humans do not have another genus of the same species
- Makes it more challenging
Human evolution Evidence from fossil organisms:
- Small
- Terrestrial
- Few became fossils eg washed into a river
- Mainly jaws and teeth are found
- Cave deposits also occur
Human evolution evidence from archaeology
- Stone tools are durable
- Bones eg butchered
- Fire hearths/ charcoal / burnt bones can be detected
Burials show goods and quality preservation
Relationships among living primates and their fossil record
- 200 species of extant primates are classified into 4 groups:
- Prosimians
- New world monkeys
- Old world monkeys
- Hominoids
- Anthropoids are collectively the monkeys and apes
Earliest hominid: Proconsol 22ma from Africa
- Read abstracts of fascinating areas.
- Recent studies
Insert potential groupings
Sequencing showed sister groupings
- Studying morphology provided resolve understanding
Gibbons (lesser apes)
16 species
Hominids (great apes
Brief history of research into human origins
Few fossils
Human remains discovered in caves were often interpreted depending on where they were found, as:
- Soldiers from the horde of gengis khan - Remains of cossacks that had died
We know now that they are remains of Neanderthals, Cromagnon Man etc
Java man
1891-1892 Dubois discovers java man
- Java man (Homo erectus) - Large thigh bones - Large skull cap
Piltdown man
Taung boy
- Australopithecus africanus
- 3.2-2.5 Ma
- Brain endocast
- Disregard of out of Africa idea