L5 - qualitative: analyzing Flashcards
examples of analysis types > 4
- Grounded theory analysis
- Narrative analysis
- Content analysis
- Thematic analysis
example of thematic analysis
stages of qualitative data analysis
- Data reduction > organize + reduce data (based on research question)
- Data display > make tables, charts, networks, codes (= continual)
- Data categorization > group different categories of information
- Potential addition: Data contextualization > assembly collected information + external contingencies > identify links + connections
how increase trustworthiness > 5
- Member validation > let subject criticize findings
- Search for negative cases + alternative explanations
- Triangulate > combine different sources
- Audit trail > key decisions should be explained to be judged
- Reflexivity > researcher should critically reflect own role in data collection process and explain potential implications to reader
what, why, how, criteria
What: Tags / labels
Why: retrieve + organize data
How: look for patterns + regularities, identify key words + supporting/refuting statements
Criteria: valid + mutually exclusive + exhaustive
stages coding
stage 1. Read + categorize data Ask yourself the following questions: - What type of behaviors - What is the structure - What is the frequency - What are the causes - What are the processes - What are the consequences - What are strategies
stage 2. Open + axial + selective coding
Level 1: open coding > Identify themes
Themes are generated NOT emerged
Level 2: axial coding > refine + align + categorize themes
Six C’s model: constant comparison of codes and refinement (causes, context, contingencies, consequences, covariance, conditions)
Level 3: selective coding > select + integrate codes
Which codes can be combined within 1 category?
Is there an order? Sequential coding
Can I identify any causal relationships?
• Organization of Coded Data Step 1: Cluster data units into themes (/codes) > group units together into first order themes Step 2: Repeat by grouping first order themes into second order themes
• Qualitative Data Software = QDA Why use: - Make notes - Editing - Memos - Coding - Storage - Search + retrieval - Data linking - Content analysis - Data display - Condensed format - Conclusion drawing + verification - Theory-building - Graphic mapping - Preparing reports
Confirmation bias
seek data that supports your own ideas
names of QDA
Nvivo > mixed
Atlas/ti > only qualitative
MaxQDA > mixed
Gioia Methodology
first order codes > second order codes > aggregate dimensions
Data structure > theory: conceptual framework > writing > transferability
How assess quality in research
Validity + reliability
Critique in qualitative field + goal
- Subjective results + anecdotes
- Lack of precision in measurement
- Lack of qualitative rigor
partly due to positivist approach
- Establishing trustworthiness research
- Showing warrant inferences
Lincoln and Guba 1985 regarding trustoworthiness qualitative research
- Credibility
- Transferability
- Confirmability
- Dependability
Based on constructive paradigm = subjective = multiple realities - Later added: authenticity
Assess quality in qualitative research by different philosophical paradigms
How approach trustworthiness Guba (1981):
aspect - scientific - naturalisic - results
Truth value - Internal validity - Credibility - About real thing
Applicability - External validity / generalizability - Transferability - Apply to other context
Consistency - Reliability - Dependability - Skewed by method - Neutrality
Objectivity - Confirmability - Depend on researcher
problems qualitative research > 4
Problem 1: many interlocking factors > credibility
Does it research the real thing?
- Triangulation > data sources, investigators, perspectives
- Lengthy + intense engagement > biases, perceptions, influence researcher
- Persistent inquiry > essential vs irrelevant qualities
- Member check > check interpretations / findings with focus audience
- Peer debriefing > feedback from researchers
- Structural coherence > test data through constant comparison + explain deviant cases
Problem 2: Behavior is context bound + situational uniqueness > transferability Does it really apply to other contexts? - thick description context - collect rich data - purposeful sampling
Problem 3: unstable instruments + conflicting data (affects variation) > dependability
Would researcher with different understandings/social realities generate same results?
- Overlapping methods
- Stepwise replication
- Audit trail
- Dependability audit: peer check data + analysis process
Problem 4: researcher bias + preconceptions influence findings > confirmability
- Confirmability audit > peer check data vs interpretations and interpretations vs data - Triangulation - Practice reflexivity > reflect how ontological (concepts/relationships), epistemological (knowledge), theoretical (theoretic knowledge) preconceptions influence data
qualitative research process
research problem
>< literature review
data collection
data analysis
>< methods and techniques
qualitative thesis framework
A Introduction
- Abstract
- Purpose
- RQ’s (1 can be sufficient)
- Definition key concepts
B Frame of reference
- Research problem
- Literature review
- RQ’s
C Research methodology
- Research strategy
- Research method
- Data collection + sampling
- Data analysis
- Quality + trustworthiness
D Findings
Note: NO theory or interpretations
E Analysis
1. Interpretation
2. Contributions (models, propositions, typologies, new concepts)
Note: Interpretations + knowledge contributions
F Conclusions
- Theoretical implications (=answer RQ)
- Ethical implications
- Managerial implications
- Limitations
- Future research suggestions
quantitative thesis framework
- Abstract
- Purpose
- RQ’s (1 can be sufficient)
- Definition key concepts
Note: is long abstract, adapt afterwards
1. Research problems 2. Literature review
1. Theoretical model 2. Formulation hypothesis
1. Research strategy 2. Research method 3. Data 4. Variables and measures 5. Validity + reliability
1. Descriptive statistics 2. Correlation table 3. Regression analysis 4. Robustness tests
Note: mention if hypotheses are supported. DON’T LINK WITH THEORY.
Discussion and conclusions
- Theoretical implications
- Ethical implications
- Managerial implications
- Limitations
- Future research suggestions