L1 - qualitative: general Flashcards
difference knowlegde / belief / claim
- Knowledge = a claim is accepted because proof of truth or warrant is given
- Belief/Faith = a claim is accepted without proof or warrant; yet high strength of conviction
- Opinion = personal point of view, varies in conviction
Rigor vs relevant research
•Rigorous: Scientific Valid + reliable Peer review Academic peer review Published journals
Business practitioners
Consulting report / industry magazines
examples Quantitative vs qualitative research
Generalize larger population: trends, patterns
Laboratory experiments
Mathematical modeling (translate problem into formulation)
Structured equation modeling SEM (combination mathematic models, algorithms and statistic methods)
Statistical analysis (collecting data and uncovering patterns and trends)
Econometrics (statistical analysis of actual economic data)
Topic in-depth
Action research (methodology: plan, act, observe, reflect) case study (detailed study: person, group, place, event, organization, phenomenon) ethnography (habits, customs, cultures) grounded theory (systematic methodology) discourse analysis (language) Hermeneutics (theory and methodology of interpretation) narrative and metaphor (insights how interpret social words) >experiences, understandings, meanings
Why qualitative research (3)
- Understand people, what they say, what they do
- Understand context where actions take place
- Find out what people think
Contributions of qualitative research Patton (2015) > 7
- Illuminate meaning > meaning of things + understanding world
- How do things work > teams, start-ups, boards, organizations, initiatives etc.
- People their stories, perspectives, experiences
- How do systems work > + consequences on lives
- How and why context matters > political, relational, organizational, historical, societal
- Identify unintended consequences
- Case comparisons > discover patterns + themes
Research topic:
research problem:
Research questions:
Research topic: broad subject
research problem: educational issue / problem
Purpose statement: objective
Research questions: answered within study
General > specific
How justify importance research problem?
- References other researchers
- Personal workplace experiences
Experiences of other people in workplace
“so what” test
Topic: I am studying X
Question: because I want to answer Y
Significance: in order to help solve real world problem Z
How make qualitative RQs > 3
1) Use active verbs: understanding, exploring, interpreting, constructing, explaining Ø Structure: what + who + when 2) Use relevant nouns: experiences, feelings, views, perspectives, knowledge Ø Structure: where + what 3) Methodology: case study, grounded theory, action research, exploratory research Structure: how + why
Non-rigorous RQs
- Presumptions
- Yes/no answers
- Answers don’t provide new knowledge
- Too broad
- Too narrow
types Qualitative RQs > 3/2
What why how when
Descriptive: what happened
Interpretive: meaning to those involved
Theoretical: why did it happen
Generalization: not big enough samples
Evaluation: imposes values on people
Paper 1: generating research questions through problematization
> Focus
1) develop typology of assumptions that can be problematized in existing theories
2) propose methodological principles how it can be done
Paper 1: generating research questions through problematization
> Construct RQ from existing literature
Spotting/constructing gaps in existing theories
1) cite + draw connections between works and investigate streams not typically cited together > suggests undeveloped research area
2) negotiations between researchers, editors, reviewers about what is lacking
Paper 1: generating research questions through problematization
> motivation
- Review literature
- Reflect why finding + filling gap is important
- Gap finding rhetoric
Paper 1: generating research questions through problematization
> Problematization as methodology (Iterative process)
- Identifying a domain
Ø In-depth reading of literature covered - Identify and Articulate assumptions
Ø In-depth reading
Ø Critical reflection
Ø Support from theorical (out of field) stances - Evaluating Articulated assumptions
Ø Asses assumptions: significance + timing - Develop alternative assumptions
Ø Reformulate assumptions: new RQ + no predefined answers + unexpected / novel findings - Relation to audience
Ø Identify audience - Evaluate the alternative assumptions
Significance + relevance + contribution
meaning Iterative
= frequently = continuously
≠ linear