L5 Posterior (extensor) Compartment Of Arm/forearm Flashcards
What’s the common flexor origin of the four superficial muscles of anterior forearm?
Medial epicondyle (distal humerus)
What’s the common extensor origin of superficial muscles of posterior forearm?
Lateral epicondyle of distal humerus
Nerve in the posterior compartment of the ARM? It’s main actions?
Radial n
major action Extension of FOREARM
Minor action extension of arm
Triceps brachii heads and movements
Long head
Extend arm at shoulder
Extend forearm at elbow
Lateral head
Extend forearm
Medial head (deeper) Extend forearm
Diff origins but common insertion at olecranon process
Where does radial n travel in the ARM
Terminal branch of posterior cord
Travels to posterior compartment of arm the triangular interval (teres major, long head triceps and humerus)
Travels deep to lateral head of triceps brachii in radial groove (feature of humerus)
Lies right on humerus (break bone, could damage nerve)
Pierces septum to emerge anteriorly in cubical fossa
What does radial n innervate?
Motor innervation to muscles of posterior compartment (C6,C7)
Nerve in the posterior compartment of the FOREARM? It’s main actions?
radial n
Main action extension of WRIST and FINGERS
minor action extension of forearm
Supination of forearm
Extensor compartment in forearm is posterior and comes a little bit lateral
Muscles of superficial layer of posterior forearm?
Extensor carpi radialis longus *
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor digitorum
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor digiti minimi
Is a posterior compartment muscle
Seen better from anterior view
Origin: lateral supercondyl ridge of humerus
Insertion: styloid process of radius
Innervated by radial n
Action: flexes elbow ! (Especially when joint is mid-pronated)
What’s different about the extensor carpi radialis longus?
Don’t arise from common extensor tendon (neither does brachioradialis)
Arises inferior from lateral supercondyl ridge
Longer muscle !
Insertion of extensor digitorum
At MCP joint each tendon flattens and expends into aponeurosis that wrap around the posterior (dorsum) and sides of the metacarpal and proximal phalanx forming a hood over joint
Distal to MCP joint ED tendons trifurcate Central (median) band -insert on poster surface of middle phalanx Lateral bands (2)- insert on posterior surface of distal phalanx
Hood anchored to palmar ligament at MCP joint (posterior structure anchored to anterior structure)
Simultaneously flexion of MCP joints and extension of IP joints
Tendons of lumbricals insert on the extensor hood
Tendons of lumbricals insert on the extensor hood
Extensor digitorum contraction produces extension
Proximal portion located anterior to MCP contraction produces FELXION
Distal portion located posterior to PIP, DIP contraction produces EXTENSION
Deep layer of muscles of posterior forearm
Extensor indicis
Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extensor pollicis longus
Supination is stronger than
And is stronger in flexion than in extension
Supinator is active
Every time we supinate
Supination by biceps brachii occurs when elbow flexion is also needed or when speed/strength needed
Anatomical snuffbox has
Triangular depression on radial aspect of the wrist
Anterior side: extensor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis longus
Posterior side: extensor pollicis longus
Floor: scaphoid and trapezium
Radial a. Passes through (where you get radial pulse)
Scaphoid fracture is
The most common carpal injury
Falling on palm when hand is extended and abducted results in extreme extension and compression of radial side of hand
Where does radial n travel in the FOREARM
Deep radial n provides motor innervation (C7)
Passes through supinator
Superficial radial n. is purely sensory (C7)
branches off at cubical fossa more anterior than deep radial n.
Myotomes of UE
Shoulder -C5,6
Arm- C5,6,7
Forearm- C8
Hand - T1
All wrist muscles have dual actions at the joint
Pure movement requires simultaneous contraction of more than one muscle
I.e. flexion: FCU- adducts , flexes hand
FCR abducts, flexes hand
Abduction and adduction cancel each other out
Expect palmaris longus