L44-lipoprotein Remodelling Flashcards
What are Lipo proteins
In plasma lipids are combined with Apo proteins to form Lipo proteins Divided into four sub groups ▪️Chylomicrons ▪️Vldl ▪️Ldl ▪️Hdl
What is the function of Lipo proteins
To keep their components lipid soluble as they transport them in plasma and to provide an efficient mechanism for transporting the lipid contents to and from the tissues
What is the structure of plasma Lipo proteins
Central core formed of nonpolar lipids such as try glycerol and esterified cholesterol the outer layer contains the more polar lipids such as phospholipids and non-esterified cholesterol and proteins (Apoproteins)
What are Apoproteins
Proteins that bind to lipids they are either peripheral that can be transferred or integral that cannot be transferred
Functions of ApoLipoproteins
▪️Solubilizing lipids in Aqueous environment
▪️Recognition sites for receptors example LDL receptor
▪️Activators for certain enzymes involve in lipoprotein metabolism
What are the enzymes involved in Lipo protein metabolism that are activated by Apolipoproteins
apo-CII activates lipoprotein lipase
Apo-AI activates LCAT 
Types of Apoproteins
ApoLipoprotein A
Apoprotein B(apo-B48-apo-B100)
Apoprotein C(apo-CI,apo-CII,apoCIII)
Apoprotein E
Where does the synthesis of chylomicrons occur
Intestinal mucosal cells secrete nascent chylomicrons
What is the composition of nascent chylomicrons
Rich in triglycerides(dietary exogenous lipids)
Few cholesterol
1 to 2% Apo proteins
Apoproteins: nascent contain apo-B48 which is unique to them
Then acquire apo C and apo E
How do nacesnt chylomicrons become mature chylomicrons
They leave the intestines to the lymphatic through the thoracic duct and then to the bloodstream
when it reaches the plasma the particle is rapidly modified receiving Apo E and apo C from HDL to become a mature chylomicron
What are the triglycerides in the chylomicrons hydrolyzed into and how
Hydrolyzed into glycerol and free fatty acids
By apoCII activating lipoprotein lipase
What is lipoprotein lipase and where is it located
Clearing factor
Located in capillaries of adipose tissue and other peripheral tissue such as cardiac and skeletal muscles
What happens by the end of chylomicron metabolism
ApoLipoproteins C are returned to HDL but not Apo B or E
the remaining particle is called a chylomicron remnant and is rapidly removed from the circulation by the liver whose membranes contain Lipo proteins that recognize Apo E
Where does the synthesis of VLDL occur
In liver
What is the composition of VLDL
60% Endogenous TAG
20% cholesterol
Few phospholipids
5% proteins(apoproteins)