L30-anatomy Of Major Blood Vessels Flashcards
Ascending aorta
Origin:left ventricle at the left sternal margin opposite left third intercostal space
Course:upwards and lies on right side of pulmonary trunk
Termination:right second costal cartilage where it cont as arch of aorta
Branches:right and left coronary arteries
Arch of aorta
Origin:continuation of ascending aorta at right second costal cartilage
Course:passes upwards backwards and to the left
Termination:cont as descending aorta opposite the 4th thoracic vertebrae
1-innominate artery(largest branch) divides in to right common carotid and right subclavian arteries
2-left common carotid artery
3-left subclavian artery
Relations of arch of aorta
a)superiorly:origin of its branches:innominate,left common carotid,left subclavian arteries
1-termination of pulmonary trunk
2-ligamentum arteriosum which connects arch of aorta with pulmonary trunk
3-left recurrent laryngeal nerve which is a branch of the left vagus nerve and curves below the arch of aorta to lie behind the ligamentum arteriosum
Descending aorta
Origin:continuation of arch of aorta opposite 4th thoracic vertebrae
Course:descends in thorax and pierces diaphragm
Termination:cont as abdominal aorta opposite twelfth thoracic vertebrae
Branches:1-esophageal arteries
2-diaphragmatic arteries
3-pericardial arteries
4-intercostal arteries
Pulmonary trunk
Origin,course,termination and branches
Origin:right ventricle opposite left third costal cartilage
Course: ascends upwards and lies on left side of aorta
Termination and branches:ends by dividing in to right and left pulmonary arteries
Innominate artery(brachiocephalic) (Origin,termination and branches)
Origin:largest branch of arch of aorta
Termination and branches: ends behind the right sterniclavicular joint by dividing in to right subclavian and common carotid arteries
Common carotid artery
Origin,course,termination and branches
1-on right side:branch of innominate artery
2-on left side:branch of arch of aorta
Course:1-passes behind sternoclavicular joint
2-ascends in neck inside carotid sheath
Termination and branches:
Ends opposite the disc between C3 and C4 by dividing in to external and internal carotid arteries
External carotid artery
Origin:branch of common carotid artery opposite disc between C3 and C4
Course:ascends upwards in neck outside carotid sheath
Termination:ends behind the neck of mandible inside the parotid gland
Internal carotid artery
Origin:a branch of common carotid artery opposite the disc between C3 and C4
Course:ascends upwards in neck inside the carotid sheath
Termination:enters the skull to supply the brain
Subclavian artery
Origin:on left side:branch of arch of aorta
On right side:branch of innominate artery
Course:1-passes the streniclavicular joint
2-passes to neck where its divided by the scanelus anterior muscle in to 3 parts:
a)first part is medial to ms
b)second lies behind the ms
c)third lies lateral to the ms
3-curves laterally to reach upper limb
Termination:cont as axillary artery at outer border of first rib
Right innominate vein
Origin:union of right internal jugular and subclavian veins behind the right sternoclavicular joint
Course:vertical course
Termination:joining by left innominate vein opposite right costal cartilage to form superior vena cava
Left innominate vein
Origin:union of left internal jugular and subclavian veins behind the left sternoclavicular joint
Course:oblique course
Termination:by joining the right innominate vein opposite the right first costal cartilage to form the superior vena cava
Superior vena cava
Origin, course, termination,branches
Origin:union of the right and left innominate veins opposite the first right costal cartilage
Course:vertical course
Termination: into the right atrium opposite the right third costal cartilage
Branches:1-right and left innominate veins
2-Arch of azygos vein that opens in superior vena cava opposite the right second costal cartilage
Inferior vena cava
Origin:union of left and right common iliac veins opposite the fifth lumbar vertebra
Course:1-passes through the abdomen
2-pierces in to diaphragm
Termination:in to right atrium opposite the right sixth costal cartilage
Azygos vein
Connection between the superior and inferior vena cava
Origin:inferior vena cava in abdomen opposite the first lumbar vertebrae
Course:1-passes through abdomen
2-pierces diaphragm
3-ascends in the thorax and curves anteriorly forming an arch
Termination:in to superior vena caba opposite the right second costal cartilage
What is the ligamentum arteriosum
▪️Fibrous band connecting arch of aorta and pulmonary trunk
▪️during embryonic life=ductus arteriosus
Arteries passing behind the sternoclavicular joint
1-termination of innominate artery
2-common carotid arteries
3-subclavian arteries
Veins passing behind sternoclavicular joint
Internal jugular and subclavian veins to form innominate vein
What does the upper part of the carotid sheath contain
1-internal carotid artery
2-internal jugular vein
3-vagus nerve
What does lower part of carotid sheath contain
1-common carotid artery
2-internal jugular vein
3-vagus nerve