L4 T1 general sensory mechanisms Flashcards
What are the five basic types of sensory receptors?
Mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, nociceptors, electromagnetic receptors, chemoreceptors
What are the mechanoreceptors (including free and encapsulated) that receive skin tactile sensibilities?
Merkel’s disc and its variants, Meissner’s corpuscle, and Kraus’ corpuscles
What are the mechanoreceptors (including free and encapsulated) that receive deep tissue sensibilities?
Ruffini’s corpuscle’s and pacinian corpuscles
What mechanoreceptors detect hearing?
sound receptors of cochlea
What mechanoreceptors detect equilibrium?
Vestibular receptors
What mechanoreceptors detect arterial pressure?
What is the same for free nerve endings that respond to pain?
What type of receptors include rods and cones of the eye for vision?
Electromagnetic receptors
What type of receptors detect warm and cold?
Name three things chemoreceptors detect.
Taste, smell, arterial oxygen, osmolarity, blood CO2, blood glucose amino acids and fatty acids
What is differential sensitivity?
Each type of receptors is highly sensitive to one type of stimulus and is almost non-responsive to other types
What is modality?
modality refers to each of the principle types of sensation
What is the labeled line principle?
refers to the specificity of nerve fibers for transmitting only one modality sensation
What is adaptation?
All sensory receptors adapt either partially or completely to any constant stimulus after a period of time. Some receptors adapt to a far greater extent than others.
What are the four mechanisms of stimulation for receptors?
mechanical deformation, application of a chemical, temperature change, and electromagnetic radiation
Name an example of how a potential can be created for a receptor.
Potentials are created at the receptor by opening “modality” gated channels such as sodium channels that are opened in response to membrane deformation caused by the touch or pressure.
If the receptor potential is strong enough (through summation), it may generate an action potential where on the primary sensory neuron?
at the first node of ranvier
What are the types of tonic receptors?
- Muscle spindles
- golgi tendon organs
- macula and vestibular receptors
- baroreceptors
- chemoreceptors
What are the characteristics of tonic receptors?
- slow adapting
- detect continuous stimulus strength
- transmit impulses as long as stimulus is present
What are the characteristics of phasic receptors?
- rapidly adapting
- do not transmit a continuous signal
- stimulated only when stimulus strength changes
- transmit information regarding rate of change
What are the characteristics of type A nerve fibers?
- can be subdivided into alpha, beta, gamma, and delta
- large and medium sized myelinated fibers of spinal nerves
What are the characteristics of type C nerve fibers?
- small, unmyelinated fibers
- conduct signals and low velocity
- make up more than half of all sensory fibers in most peripheral nerves and all postganglionic autonomic fibers
Group 1a (type A alpha fiber) characteristics?
fibers from annulospiral endings of muscle spindles
Group 1b (type A alpha fiber) characteristics?
fibers from golgi tendon organs