L4: OP130 MDMP Flashcards
ADP 5-0
The Operations Process
FM 6-0
Commander and Staff Organization and Operations
ATP 2-01.3
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
Fundamentals of Planning
- helps create and communicate a CO’s common vision between COs, their staffs, subordinate COs and unified action partners
- is both a continuous and cyclical part of the ops process
- synchronizes the actions of forces in time, space, and purpose to achieve objectives and accomplish missions
- results in a plan or order - a directive for future action
definition of planning
the art and science of understanding a situation, envisioning a desired future, and laying out a desired way to bring that future about
the measure of a good plan is:
whether the plan facilitates effective action in the face of unforeseen events
7 steps of the MDMP
- Receipt of mission
- Mission analysis
- COA development
- COA analysis
- COA comparison
- COA approval
- Orders production, Dissemination, and transition
Role of the Commander in the MDMP
- Follows the status of the planning effort
- Participates during critical periods of the process
- Makes decisions based on the detailed work of the staff
- Focus their activities on understanding, visualizing, and describing
the CO is the most important participant in the MDMP
Role of the Staff in the MDMP
- help CO understand the situation
- focus on mission analysis and maintain a running estimate
- provide recommendations to support the CO in making decisions
- prepare a plan or order that reflects the CO’s intent, coordinating all necessary details
staff officers are the CO’s principle assistants who advise, plan, and coordinate actions within their area of expertise or warfighting function
The CO may choose to modify the MDMP to fit time-constrained circumstances