L4 compound suffix forms, Greek verbs Flashcards
Some combining forms of verbs, usually with the addition of a suffix and/or prefix, have become so commonly used in a certain form and meaning as to remain fixed as compound suffix forms:
- ectasia
- ectasis
- ectomy
meaning: dilation, enlargement, surgical excision; removal of all (total excision) or part (partial excision) of an organ
ex: gastr-ectomy, cardi-ectasia, nephr-ectasis,
- gen*
- Strictly speaking, -gen, -gram, and -graph are not suffix forms because there is no suffix on the combining form. It seemed desirable, however, that -gen, -genesis, -genic, and -genous as well as -gram, -graph and, -graphy should be listed together in order to show the relationship between words using these forms.
substance that produces (something)
ex: antitoxino-gen, carcino-gen
formation, origin
ex: lipo-genesis, patho-genesis
causing, producing, caused
ex: carcino-genic
by, produced by or in
ex: hepato-genous†
† Because these suffix forms can mean either producing or produced by, the meaning of some words is ambiguous: pyretogenous means either producing fever or produced by fever
a record of the activity of an organ (often an x-ray) (Fig. 4–1)
ex: cardio-gram, angio-gram
an instrument for recording the activity of an organ
ex: poly-graph, cardio-graph
(1) the recording of the activity of an organ (usually by x-ray examination)
ex: cholangio-graphy, cysto-graphy
(2) a descriptive treatise (on a subject)
ex: spleno-graphy, osteo-graphy
dissolution, reduction, decomposition, disintegration
ex: hemo-lysis, pyreto-lysis
pertaining to dissolution or decomposition, disintegration (forms adjectives from words ending in -lysis)
ex: hemo-lytic, bacterio-lytic
ex: neuro-pathy, cardio-pathy
dropping, sagging, prolapse (of an organ or part)
ex: gastro-ptosis, colo-ptosis
‡ Words beginning with the letter r- [Greek rho] usually double this letter when following another element. There are some exceptions: perirhinal, craniorhachischisis (some- times spelled craniorrhachischisis).
profuse discharge, hemorrhage
ex: leuko-rrhagia, meningo-rrhagia
profuse discharge, excessive secretion
ex: rhino-rrhea, myxo-rrhea
bursting (of tissues), rupture
ex: angio-rrhexis, entero-rrhexi
an instrument for examining
ex: rhino-scope, colpo-scope
ex: endo-scopy, cysto-scopy
a surgical instrument for cutting
ex: adenoma-tome, gastro-tome
surgical incision
ex: cholecysto-tomy, abdominohystero- tomy