L39- Urogenital Infections II Flashcards
UTIs are mostly caused by (exogenous/endogenous) microbes
endogenous- mostly from urinary tract microbiota
list some major concerns of STIs beyond the actual infection
- some STIs like HSV2, Syphilis an inc risk of HIV acquisition
- reproductive health consequences: i) PID –> infertility, ii) gonococcal opthalmia of fetus from mother
- drug resistance, main gonorrhea
Trichomonas vaginalis microbial features
(sexually transmitted, fomite transmission possible)
- protozoa (parasite) –> no cyst form
- 4 flagella –> may lose it for ability to cross barriers
- short undulating membrane for motility
Trichomonas vaginalis:
- (1) commonly affected group
- (2) infection site in men
- (3) infection site in women
1- young, sexually active women (for asymp. and symp. disease)
2- urethra
3- vagina
Trichomonas vaginalis:
- (1) clinical presentations
- inc risk of (2)
- asymptomatic
- genital inflammation = vulvovaginal trichomoniasis: fishy odor, green-white discharge, itching
2- HIV transmission
Trichomoniasis Dx:
- (1) first check
- (2) gold standard test
- (3) non-culture tests
- (4) other DDx
1- vaginal pH, >4.5 is suggestive of disease (+ BV, not candidiasis)
2- Culture: modified Modified Diamond’s Media –> add 10% NaCl (look for **motile trophozoites) + 10% KOH whiff test (fishy odor)
3- NAAT (amplified test), DNA probe (non-amplified test), gram-stain smear
4- candidiasis: yeasts and pseudohyphae
Urethritis, UTI male presentation
burning sensation, dysuria
Urethritis, UTI female presentation
frequency, urgency, dysuria
fever, chills
Urethritis, STI male presentation
hematuria. hematospermia, penile discharge
dysorgasmia, itching, tenderness, penile swelling
Urethritis, STI female presentation
vaginal discharge, itching
pelvic / abdominal pain, dyspareunia, stomach pain
Neisseria gonorrhea microbial features
- Gram- diplococci
- non-motile
- fastidious growth
- oxidase+
- multiple outer surface Ags
- sexual transmission, inc risk of HIV infection
reservoirs: only humans, rare fomite transmission
list results of all N. gonorrhea infections
1a) oropharyngeal infection –> pharyngitis –> 1% systemic spread (arthritis, endocarditis, meningitis)
1b) anal / genital infection –> local irritation w/ discharge OR asymptomatic (*women) —> 1% systemic spread
2) cervical infection (+/- Sxs) –> ascending infection –> uterine cavity, fallopian tube (PID, infertility, ectopic pregancy)
3) surface colonization during birth –> eye infection –> blindness or conjunctivitis
Gonorrhea male and female presentation
Men (95% symptomatic)
- mainly restricted to urethra
- purulent discharge: yellowish pus
- dysuria
Women -cervix infection -dysuria -vaginal discharge -abdominal pain (*inc risk of dissemination b/c more asymptomatic)
describe the risk of gonorrhea infections in women (hint- 2)
-more likely asymptomatic (Sxs in 95% males) –> inc risk of dissemination
(+ inc risk HIV transmission)
-vertical transmission during birth => eye infection (blindness or conjunctivitis)
list the attachment factors for N. gonorrhea
-pili: unusual, specialized mechanism of Ag variation by DNA rearrangement
- Opa (opacity protein)
- por protein (creates pore for nutrient extraction)
- Fe-binding proteins
- lipooligosaccharide (LOS)- induces TNFα