L31- Breast Pathology I Flashcards
Breast Development:
- (1) status at birth
- (2) occurs at menarche
1- not fully formed
2- terminal duct development + inc in interlobular stroma
breast changes during menstrual cycle
- quiescent in follicular phase
- vacuolization and edema in secretory phase
breast changes during pregnancy, postpartum
Pregnancy- functional and mature development
Postpartum- incomplete regression + further involution after 30 y/o
breast changes during menopause
- lobular atrophy
- interlobular stroma becomes fatty
Breast Tissue, list the main structures: base, supportive structures, functional structures
Base: sits on Pectoralis Major muscle
Functional: lobules (+ extralobular, intralobular ducts) –> terminal ducts –> large duct
Support: intralobular and interlobular stroma
describe structure and composition of breast lobule
(produces milk)
- acinus is lined with cuboidal secretory cells
- initial duct is lined with centroacinar cells
- lobule leads into terminal duct
describe the layers of breast ducts (include functions)
(outside in)
-BM (basement membrane)
- myoepithelial cells: assist in milk ejection during lactation + structural support to lobules
- luminal epithelial cells: produces milk during lactation
define these breast congenital anomalies:
- (1) Polythelia
- (2) Polymastia
- (3) Amastia
- (4) Inversion of nipple
1- accessory nipples, supernumerary nipples
2- accessory true mammary gland (can have same pathologies as normal breasts)
3- absence of breast
4- unilateral or bilateral, failure of nipple eversion – often mistaken for cancer
name the congenital anomaly:
- (1) absence of breast
- (2) accessory mammary glands
- (3) accessory nipples
- (4) often mistaken for breast CA
1- amastia
2- polymastia
3- polythelia
4- inverted nipple
list the types of Breast clinical presentations
Lumps / Nodules: CAs, fibroadenoma, cysts
Pain (mastodynia): 95% are benign – infection, trauma, ruptured cyst, hormones
- milky: pituitary adenoma, hypothyroidism, drugs
- serous/bloody: papilloma, cyst, pregnancy
list the breast symptoms by frequency (high to low)
- lumpiness / ‘other symptoms’
- pain (mastodynia)
- palpable mass
- nipple discharge
describe the most common clinical presentations of breast cancer (by symptom, high to low frequency)
Asymptomatic / Abnormal Mammogram
palpable mass
nipple discharge
what are the main breast investigations
(mainly imaging)
Mammogram: screening
-densities / calcifications (small, irregular, clustered –> worrisome) are breast cancer signs
- US
list the many techniques for sampling breast specimen and processing samples
- FNAC (fine-needle aspiration cytotology)
- excision biopsies
- Mastectomies (simple skin sparing, only areola-nipple complex)
- Radical Mastectomy- includes Pec major muscles
- Modified Radial Mastectomy: includes axillary LNs
- Subcutaneous mastectomy (w/o skin, for men)
- Prophylactic Mastectomy
- Therapeutic Mastectomy
Galactocele, aka (1):
- (2) definition
- (3) symptoms
- (4) complication
1- lacteal cyst, milk cyst
2- cystic dilatation after lactation b/c of obstructed duct during lactation
3- painful fluctuant lump (obstruction of lactiferous ducts)
4- infection- persistent induration / pain
what are the DDx for clinical presentation of breast pain and tenderness
Inflammatory Disorders
- acute mastitis (abscess)
- mammary duct ectasia
- traumatic fat necrosis
- reaction to implants