DLA10- Diseases of Pregnancy Flashcards
Spontaneous Abortion / Miscarriage:
- defined as before (1), but usually before (2)
- mostly due to (3)
- (4) are other important causes
1- 20 wks
2- 12 wks
3- unknown
4- fetal chromosomal anomalies, maternal endocrine factors, physical defects of uterus, systemic disorder affecting vasculature
list Sxs of spontaneous abortion / miscarriage
- vaginal bleeding: mild spotting to severe bleeding (possibly leading to shock)
- lower abdominal pain (uterine contractions)
- loss of fetal hear beat on US
Most ectopic pregnancies are in (1). (2) is the main predisposing condition, with (3) as other factors.
1- tubal pregnancy, 90% in extrauterine fallopian tubes
2- PID (chronic salpingitis)
3- endometriosis + fibrosis, prior surgery, IUDs
(1) are ectopic pregnancy Sxs before rupture, which occurs in (2) time frame. (3) are the Sxs after rupture.
1- Sxs of pregnancy: morning sickness, fatigue, lightheadedness, elevated β-hCG, amenorrhea
2- 2-6 wks
3- vaginal bleeding (or intra-abdominal) –> shock (mimics appendicitis if on R side)
list the main diseases of early pregnancy
spontaneous abortion / miscarriage (<20 wks, usually <12 wks)
ectopic pregnancies (2-6 wks)
list the main diseases of late pregnancy- brief description
- placenta previa: placenta covers cervical os (no entry to vaginal canal w/o placental rupture –> C-section)
- abruptio placenta: ruptured placenta
- placenta accreta: villi invasion into myometrium (unstable)
Placenta Previa:
- (1) definition
- (2) risk factors
- (3) presentation
- (4) Dx
1- placenta implants in lower uterus / cervix –> covers cervical os –> requires C-section
2- previous cases, previous C-section, myometomy, multiple gestation pregnancies
3- painless bleeding / post-coital spotting at >30 wks
4- US (before any 3rd trimester vaginal exams)
Abruptio Placenta:
- (1) event at (2) timeframe
- (3) main risk to fetus
- (4) risk to mother
- (5) risk factors
1- placental rupture
2- 3rd trimester
3- ischemia/hypoxia –> fetal death e/o C-section or immediate delivery
4- severe bleed –> hemorrhagic/hypovolemic shock + hypercoagulability/DIC
5- age, HTN, multiparity, trauma, cocaine
Placenta Accreta:
- (1) definition
- (2) risk factors
- (3) main risk
- (4) Tx
1- absent plane of separation between placental villi and myometrium (villi invasion)
2- C-sections, placenta previa
3- post-partum hemorrhage
4- hysterectomy
Preeclampsia signs
-proteinuria (oliguria)
(5% all pregnancies)
Sxs: HA, visual disturbances, weight gain, n/v, abdominal pain
eventual progressions of pre-eclampsia
Eclampsia, 10%- seizures
HELLP, 10%- hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets
-note Sxs disappear after labor
preeclampsia risk factors
> 35 y/o
multiple pregnancies
pre-existing HTN or DM
hydatidiform mole