DLA9- Gonadal Hormones Flashcards
describe feedback for gonadal hormones
- men
- women
- hint: more than just steroids…
Men: (estrogen +) Testosterone –> inhibit GnRH (hypothalamus) and FSH/LH release (pituitary) release
Women: Estrogen (mainly) –> inhibit GnRH (hypothalamus) and FSH/LH release (pituitary) release
-at ovulation, estrogen –> stimulates FSH/LH release
NOTE (ovaries/testes):
- inhibin –> dec FSH/LH (pituitary)
- activin –> inc FSH/LH (pituitary)
LH and FSH function in women
FSH- follicle development
LH/FSH- androgen production (LH, theca cells) –> conversion to estrogen (FSH, granuloma cells)
LH and FSH function in men
FSH (sertoli) –> spermatogenesis, maintain high [androgens], androgen binding protein production
LH (leydig) –> testosterone production
list the general groups of gonadal pharmalogical agents
All: GnRH agonists + receptor antagonists
DHT: 5α-reductase inhibitors. androgen receptor antagonists
Estrogen: -aromatase inhibitors, SERMs, SERDs
Progesterone: anti-progestins
list major natural and analog estrogren hormones
Natural: estradiol (E2) > estrone (E1) > estriol (E3)
- ethinyl estradiol
- mestranol (ethinyl estradiol prodrug)
list the MAJOR effects of estrogen
- female maturation: secondary sex characteristics
- endometrial proliferation
- metabolic effects
Estrogen effects:
- (1) lipids
- (2) proteins
- (3) fluid balance
1- inc HDL, dec LDL
2- inc hepatic protein production (SHBG)
3- Na/H2O retention
Estrogen effects:
- (1) coagulation
- (2) vasculature
- (3) bone
1- inc hepatic production of factor II, factor VII, factor IX, factor X, fibrinogen + dec antithrombin III activity –> inc risk thrombolytic events
2- inc NO and prostacyclin
3- dec resorption –> inc mass
list clinical uses of estrogen
- postmenopausal therapy
- primary hypergonadism (start 11-13 y/o, after 1st period augment with progestins)
-Tx androgen dependent prostate cancer
- OCPs
- menstrual abnormalities
what is the basis of postmenopausal replacement therapy
-dec risk osteoporosis (not Tx)
- reestablish feedback –> dec NE secretion –> dec hot flashes
- reverse atrophy of vulva, vagina, urethra, trigone
list the MINOR estrogen AEs
- uterine bleeding
- nausea
- breast tenderness
- melasma (inc melanocyte production)
- peripheral edema
list the MODERATE / SEVERE estrogen AEs
-inc risk endometrial cancer (offset with progestin combination)
- inc migraine frequency
- cholestasis / gall bladder disease
- thromboembolism
- depression
the main contraindication for estrogen use is…..
cytochrome inducer use —> inc CYP450 –> inc estrogen metabolism –> severely reduce estrogen efficacy
list SERMs + major effects
(selective estrogen receptor modulators)
-breast antagonist
-rest of body (+ uterine/endometrial, liver, bone) agonist (inc endo. CA risk)
- breast and uterine antagonist
- bone agonist (inhibits resorption)
-hypothalamus antagonist (prevents normal feedback inhibition)
main SERD + use + AEs
(selective estrogen receptor degraders/downregulators)
-adjunct in ER+/PR+ breast cancer (if resistant to 1st line anti-estrogens)
-AEs: hot flashes, arthralgia, myalgias
Aromatase inhibitors + uses + AEs
Anastrozole, Letrozole, Exemestrane:
- adjunct in ER+ breast CA
- AEs: hot flashes, nausea, fatigue, alopecia, dermatitis
list synthetic progestins
norgestrol norethindrone medroxyprogesterone desogestrel drospirenone
main effects of progestins
- dec growth / inc vascularization of endometrium (prevent endometrial hyperplasia)
- thickening of cervical mucus (inhibits sperm movement)
- maintain pregnancy
- associated with inc in body T
main clinical applications of progestins
- OCPs
- endometrial cancers
- abnormal uterine bleeding
- infertility
- Dx test of estrogen secretion
Progestins AEs
uterine bleeding
rarely thromboembolic events
dec HDL (androgenic progestins)
weight gain
insulin resistance
changes in libido
____ = antiprogestin, MOA, clinical use, AEs
-competitive receptor inhibitor
- combo with misoprostol as abortifacent
- n/v/d, abdominal / pelvic pain, uterine bleeding
list androgens and effects paired with uses
Testosterone, Methyl-testosterone, Danazol
- male maturation: hypogonadism (unapproved PED)
- sexual function
- metabolic: cancer / HIV Pts (prevents wasting), burn recovery
androgen receptor antagonists + uses + AEs
Flutamide, Spironolactone:
- prostate cancer (Flu.)
- PCOS, aldosteronism, diuretic (Spir)
AEs: gynecomastia
5α-reductase inhibitor + use + AEs
-BPH, baldness
AEs: gynecomastia, rarely impotence
Steroid Synthesis inhibitor + use + AEs
-Cushing’s syndrome, prostate cancer
AEs: gynecomastia, amenorrhea, CYP450 inhibitor