L37 &38_Endocrine disorders Flashcards
What is Equine Metabolic Syndrome?

A set of clinical signs and clinicopathological conditions that increase the likelihood of an equid developing laminitis.

What is the key feature of EMS?
Insulin Dysregulation.
Explain the 3 main factors Insulin Dysregulation.
- Excessive release of insulin from Non-Structural Carbs.
- Fasting hyperinsulinaemia
- Insulin resistance (a reduced response of cells to normal levels of insulin).

What is the signalment of horses with PPID (Pituitary Pars Intermidia Dysfunction)?

Geriatric horses. > 15 years old
Define hypertriglyceride and its significance.
Increase in circulating triglycerides.
Define hyperlipidaemia and its signficance.
Increase in triglycerides circulating for a pony 0.82 to 5.85 mmol/L.
No clinical signs apparent yet.
Define hyperlipaemia and its signifcance.
Triglycerides in the blood > 5.65 mmol/L.
Fat deposits in plasma or serum, ie opalescent colour.
Sick patient.
What is the signalment for hypertriglycdaemia?
Can occur in any equid breed.
Most common in: ponies, donkeys and mules.
Mares > 18 months in last trimester of gestation or lactating.
Name 7 predisposing factors.

Little exercise
Old age
Female > Male
Anything that can cause negative energy balance.
Management changes

What are the initial clinical signs? And what to do first?
Dull / quiet
Failure to drink
Decreased GIT motility and faecal output.
Measure triglycerdies in the blood.

How to diagnosis hypertriglyceridaemia and what results for each hyperlipidaemia and hyperlipaemia?
Blood test.
- Hyperlipidaemia in ponies 0.82 mmol/L < TG < 5.65 mmol/L
- Hyperlipaemia
- > 5.65 mmol/L
- grossly cloudy serum
- patient overtly sick
- Metabolic acidaemia
- Glucose
- Azataemia
- Liver enzymes elevated

Name 3 clinical signs of late lipaemia.
Whole clinical course: from days to 3 weeks

What are the clinical signs of mid- hyperlipaemia?
- Colic - mild, mod or severe
- liver capsule is stretching
- D+
- disturbance of feed intake
- Icterus
- liver disease
- Subcutaneous oedema
- CNS - poor prognosis for this sign.
- hepatic encephalopathy
What determines prognosis in hyperlipaemia?
How quickly they respond to treatment, not their TG levels at time of diagnosis.

What are the clinical signs associated with in hypocalcaemia and give some examples.
Increased smooth muscle contractility and excitability.
- anxiety
- excitement
- ataxia
- cardiac arrythmias
- Hypersalivation
- Tachycardia
- Dysphagia - difficulty swallowing
- Colic
- Convulsions
- Hyperthermia
- Tetany
- Hyperhidrosis - increased sweating not necessarily associated with exercise.