L3 VFR Maneuvers Flashcards
Set up and execution of Slow Flight (Clean)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Maintain altitude - slow to 75 KIAS
Add 45%-70% power to maintain
Set up and execution of Slow Flight (Dirty)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Below 120 - Flaps 50%
Below 100 - Flaps 100%
Maintain altitude - slow to 66 KIAS
Add 45%-70% power to maintain
Set up and execution of Power ON stall (TO config)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Below 120 - Flaps 50%
At Vr (70? KIAS) - increase power lever to 65%
Pitch up no more than 25 deg
Set up and execution of Power ON stall (Departure config)
Reduce power lever to 25%
At Vr (70? KIAS) - increase power lever to 65%
Pitch up no more than 25 deg
Set up and execution of an AP Coupled Power ON stall
Reduce power lever to 25%
At 95 KIAS - engage AP HDG and VS, set 1600 FPM climb on VSI bug
Increase power lever to 65% - recover above 95 KIAS
Set up and execution of Power OFF stall (Aprch config)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Below 120 - Flaps 50%
Establish stable descent at 75 KIAS
Power lever - Idle
Increase pitch to attitude that will result in a stall
Set up and execution of Power OFF stall (LANDING config)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Below 120 - Flaps 50%
Below 100 - Flaps 100%
Establish stable descent at 75 KIAS
Power lever - Idle
Increase pitch to attitude that will result in a stall
Set up and execution of an AP Coupled Power OFF stall
Reduce power lever to 25%
Below 120 - Flaps 50%
Set HDG and ALT modes on AP
Recover above 78 KIAS
Setup and execution of an Accelerated Stall (Demo)
Reduce power lever to 25%
At 85 KIAS - power lever idle - 45 deg Bank
Maintain altitude until IMMINENT stall occurs
Setup and execution of an Elevator Trim Stall (Demo)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Below 120 - Flaps 50%
Establish a descent at 90 KIAS
Power lever - Idle, TRIM for 75 KIAS
Apply full power, allow pitch up to imminent stall
Set up and execution for a Cross-Controlled Stall (Demo)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Establish a descent at 90 KIAS
Power lever - Idle, TRIM for 85 KIAS
30 deg bank - use excessive rudder in direction of turn, and holding bank with opposite aileron, and back pressure
Recover when stall is imminent!
Set up and execution for a Secondary Stall (Demo)
Reduce power lever to 25%
Below 120 - Flaps as specified
Establish stable descent at 75 KIAS
Power lever - Idle
Increase pitch to attitude that will result in a stall
Lower nose briefly to recover, then add excessive BACK PRESSURE to induce 2nd stall
Recover normally
Steep turn, chandelles and Lazy 8s are done at ___knots/__%
120 knots
8s on Pylons and Rectangular Course are done at ___knots/__%
100 knots
Normal TO
Line Up check complete
Vr - 70
Vy - 96
200’ above 85 flaps UP
500’ Climb Check
Accelerate to cruise climb (105)
Short Field TO
Flaps 50% - Hold Brakes
Full power - 100%/2700 RPM
Brakes - Release
Vr - 65
Climb at 75 KIAS until 50’ AGL
Clear of Obstacle - above 85 flaps UP
500’ Climb Check
Accelerate to cruise climb (105)
Soft Field TO
Flaps 50% - No Braking
Power 100% (2700rpm)
Liftoff at 65-70 KIAS and accelerate in Ground Effect
Accelerate to 81 (obstacles) or 96 (no obstacles)
Clear of Obstacle - above 85 flaps UP
500’ Climb Check
Accelerate to cruise climb (105)
Traffic Pattern
Before Landing Checklist
Downwind (40%)
~100 knots
Abeam (20%) - flaps 50%
Base (20%) - flaps 100%
~90 knots
Final power as needed, Airspeed around 75 knots