L3 AQC SOP Flashcards
what are the PF’s responsibilities?
- flight path and airspeed control
- flight management
- aircraft config
- navigation
what are the PM’s responsibilities?
- monitoring flightpath and airspeed control
- procedure completion and checklist reading
- comms
what is the max datum error on the altimeters?
+/- 50ft
recite the PEEDS brief which is done on the taxi
Performance- flap set
Engine out SID- review
Engine Icing- set as required
Departure- state SID designator and initial turn
Stop alt- state/check MCP
recite the FLAPS memory items which are in the initial climb
fuel- check balance and no leaks
lights- fixed landing lights off
altimeters- set standard
pressurisation- positive differential pressure
seatbelts- as required (auto)
what is are the pilot flyings responsibilities before the descent?
- calculate TOD
- passenger PA if time permits
- set up the flight deck for approach
what are the pilot monitoring responsibilities before the descent?
- obtain weather as required
- set destination QNH on standby
- calculate landing weight vs LDA from the performance chart
- set landing altitude in pressurisation window
What are the PM memory items for final approach?
Speedbrake armed
Landing light on
Ignitors continuous
What is the lowest height PF can disconnect the automatics on approach?
135ft agl
What will the required vertical speed likely be on an NPA
5 x groundspeed +50fpm
what are the PM memory items for before start?
- stab trim T/O
- rudder/aileron trim zero
what are the PF memory items for before start?
- fuel pumps on
- electric hydraulic pumps on
- anti collision on
- transponder alt-on
- lower DU (700) on
what are the PF push back and start memory items?
- start switch GND
- select flap 5
- generators on
- pitot heat on
- engine anti ice
- packs auto
- isolation valve auto (700)
- APU bleed off
- APU off
- engine start switches continuous
- ground equipment clear
- lower DU (700) clear
- check recall button
- check flight controls
what are the PF before takeoff memory items?
- strobes on
- transponder TARA
- wx radar on
what are the PM before takeoff memory items?
- RTO touch drill complete
- landing lights on
- taxi lights off
- wx radar on
what are the PM en-route climb memory items?
- gear lever off
- auto brake off
- retractable landing lights off
- pressurisation check
what ae the PM after landing/taxi in memory items?
- speed brake down detent
- lights as required
- wx radar off
what are the PF after landing/taxi in memory items?
- APU start
- pitot heat off
- anti ice as required
- start switches off
- strobes off
- wx radar off
- auto brake off
- flaps up
- transponder ALT ON
- APU on busses
- after landing scan complete
what are the PM parking/shutdown memory items?
- taxi light off
- parking brake on
- engine start levers cutoff
what are the PF parking/shutdown memory items?
lights off and lower du on
- APU/GRD power on busees
- fasten seat belts signs off
- fuel pumps off
- galley power off
- anti ice off
- electric hydraulic pumps off
- packs off
- APU bleed on
- anti-colliosn off
- exterior lights as required
- flight directors off
- MCP speed minimum
- Transponder standy/2000
what are both pilots actions in the event of rapid depressurisation?
- masks on
- headsets on
- establish comms (use intrphone)
what are the PM memory items in the event of rapid depressurisation?
- press mode selector MAN
- outflow valve switch closed
- pax signs on
what are the PM memory items if an emergency descent is required?
- mayday
- seatbelt signs on
- engine start switches to continuous
- xpdr 7700
- check QNH/MSA
- read and action QRH
what are the PF memory items if an emergency descent is required?
- announce emergency descent recall items
- MCP select lower altitude
- close thrust levers
- speed brake to flight detent
- speed MMO/VMO
- adjust hdg as required
- altitude to 10000 or MSA if higher
- call for QRH checklist