L.3 Flashcards
Amount of secreted saliva is about
One liter
Saliva composed of
1.99,5% water 💧
2.0,5% solids which include:
- Na, K, Cl, HCO
- alpha amylase
- mucus
Function of Alpha amylase
Digest starch
Oral tissue become infected with dental caries in absence of
How many stages for salivary secretion
- First stage “ primary secretion”
- second stage “ modification of primary secretion “
Salivary secretion formed and secreted by
Salivary secretion is isotonic which mean
Ions concentration as the plasma
Salivary secretion contains
- Alpha amylase
- Mucus
Steps of the second stage“ modification “
- Reabsorbtion Na & Cl
- Secretion K & HCO
- Aldosterone
- Saliva become hypotonic
Second stage “ modification “ of primary secretion formed by
Ductal epithelium
Reabsorbtion of Na and Cl , will cause differences in plasma and saliva which is
It become lower in saliva than the plasma
Secretion of k and HCO , will cause differences in plasma and saliva which is
higher in saliva than the plasma
Function of aldosterone in modification of primary secretion
⬆️ Na reabsorbtion
⬆️ K secretion
Explain why the saliva become hypotonic in second stage
- Ducts impermeable to water
- Reabsorbed more solute than water
Which lead the salivary secretion becomes hypotonic
Salivary secretion is only controlled by
Nervous system
Both sympathetic and para are secretory to saliva but which one is more important
True secretion is produced by
Parasympathetic innervation
Saliva Secretion that rich in water and poor in enzyme , will be innervation by
Action of parasympathetic innervation will produce saliva with
para ➡️ vasoconstriction only of coronary blood vessels
- Profuse watery secretion “true “
- rich water
- poor enzyme
- Vasodilation to blood vessels of salivary gland
يعني الباقي كلهم ديلاتور 👍🏻
Saliva secretion that poor in water and rich in enzyme, will be innervation by
Action of sympathetic innervation will produce saliva with
all blood vessels vasoconstriction except muscle and heart
- Scanty viscous “ trophic”
- poor water
- rich enzyme
- Vasoconstriction to blood vessels of salivary gland
Secretion of parasympathetic innervation is much than sympathetic because of
Para ➡️ vasodilation ➡️ increase blood supply which needed for secretion
Alpha adrenergic is a receptor in
Acinar and ductal of Sympathetic innervation
Anticholinergic drug that cause inhibit salivary secretion and dry mouth
Parasympathetic nervous signals originate from
- Superior salivary nuclei in brain stem
- Inferior salivary nuclei in brain stem
Nervous control of salivary secretion divided into
- Unconditioned “ no need previous learning “
- Conditioned reflex “ need previous learning “
Steps of inborn “ unconditioned control “
- Food stimulation taste receptor
- Impulse to salivary nuclei
- Salivation
Steps of conditioned reflex
Smelling of favorite food ➡️ secretion
“ signals from taste & smell areas of cerebral cortex —> stimulate salivary nuclei in brain stem —> salivation “