L.1 Flashcards
Digestive system is made up of:
1.Gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
2.The accessory organs that help the digestion.
Gastrointestinal tract :
- Mouth , Pharynx.
- Esophagus, Stomach.
- Small intestine.
- Large intestine.
Accessory organs of digestive system:
1) Teeth.
2) Tongue.
3) Salivary glands.
4) Exocrine part of pancreas.
5) Liver.
6) Gall bladder.
The function of the alimentary tract is to provide the body with :
Functions of the digestive system require:
(1) “Movement” of food through the alimentary tract.
(2) “Secretion” of digestive juices and digestion of the food.
(3) “Absorption “of water, electrolytes, vitamins, and digestive products.
Control of all digestive system functions by :
nervous and hormonal systems.
GIT wall is formed by “four layers” which are from “inside to out” :
1) Mucosa.
2) Submucosa.
3) Muscle layer.
4) Serosa.
Epithelial cells of mucosa is concerned with:
a) Secretion of digestive juices & GIT hormones.
b) Absorption of the digested diet (Food).
The muscle layer formed of :
(circular & longitudinal).
Circular muscle :
Its contraction —> decrease in diameter of GIT lumen
Longitudinal muscle :
Its contraction —> “shortening” of GIT
(Nervous Control of GIT functions )
Motor & secretory functions of GIT are controlled by :
1) “Intrinsic” innervation (Enteric nervous system).
2) “Extrinsic “innervation (Sympathetic and parasympathetic).
3) “Nervous” regulation of GIT through GIT reflexes.
Intrinsic innervation consists of :
• submucosal plexuses
• myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexuses.
Sub-mucosal plexus:
Site: In the submucosa.
Function: Controls secretion & blood flow
Myenteric plexus :
Site: Between the two muscle layers.
Function: Controls “motility” of GIT.