Gastric secretion:- Flashcards
The volume of gastric secretion is about :
2 liters per day
The pH of gastric secretion is
highly acidic (PH is about 2).
Gastric mucosa contains many deep glands which open in a common chamber (gastric pits) that opens on ………….
On the surface of the mucosa
Where is the glands secrete mucus ?
In the pyloric and cardiac regions
In the funds and body of the stomach, the glands contain 2 types of cells:
1- Parietal (Oxyntic) cells
2- Peptic (Chief) cells
Parietal (Oxyntic) cells secrete :
1- HCl
2- intrinsic factor
Peptic (Chief) cells secrete :
The contents of the normal gastric juice:
1) Ions: H+ (100 mmol/L), Na+ (40 mmol/L), K+ (10 mmol/L) and Cl- (150 mmol/L).
2)Enzymes: Pepsinogen, amylase, lipase and gelatinase.
4)Gastric intrinsic factor.
Acid secretion (gastric HCl):
• In oxyntic cells CO2 combines with H2O forming …….. under the effect of……. then dissociate into………
H2CO3 , carbonic anhydrase enzyme , dissociate into H+ and HCO3-
Acid secretion (gastric HCl):
•H+ is pumped into the……. in exchange with………by the activity of…..
lumens , K+ , H+ -K+ ATPase
• k+ from lumen to cell , H+ في الاتجاه العكس
Acid secretion (gastric HCl):
• The HCO3- ion leaves the oxyntic cells through the basolateral border into the…………in exchange with…………. forming the…………… .
blood, Cl- , alkaline tide.
Acid secretion (gastric HCl):
• Cl- ions is then pumped actively from the……. into the ……….to meet H+ forming ………
cell , gastric lumen , HCI
The most important enzyme in the gastric HCL secretion is…………..
H+-K+ ATPase.
Proton pump inhibitor drugs inhibit………..ATPase & so blocks …….
H+ - K+ ، blocks H+ secretion.
Function of HCL:
1- Activating pepsinogen enzyme to active pepsin (important in protein digestion)
2- Helping ferrous and calcium absorption.
3- Killing bacteria in food into the stomach.
4- Promoting pancreatic, small intestinal and bile secretion.
Regulation of HCl secretion by :
- Stimulation of gastric acid secretion
2- Enzymes
3-Intrinsic factor
4- Mucous secretion
Parietal cell is stimulated by:
1- Acetylcholine (ACh): Acts on Muscarinic receptors by increasing intracellular free Ca++.
2-Gastrin : Acts by by increasing intracellular free Ca++.
3- Histamine : Acts via H2 receptors by increasing cAMP.
Acetylcholine (ACh) blocked by
Histamine blocked by
-cimitidine (Tagamet)
-ranitidine (Zantac)
-famotidine (Pepcid)
Inhibition of gastric acid secretion by :
• -ve feedback inhibition of parietal cells by the HCl itself.
• Some GIT hormones: As GIP, CCK, secretin and VIP.
• Enterogastric reflex.
• Prostaglandins : by decreasing histamine effect .
1- It is secreted from:
2- Its secretion is stimulated by:
3- It is activated by:
4-It is activated in:
1- peptic (chief) cells , When it is secreted it is “inactive”
2- ACh, gastrin and histamine.
3- HCl into pepsin
4- In the stomach at PH 2 (highly acidic medium)
Once the Pepsinogen is convert into pepsin the pepsin digest the proteins into:
polypeptides and peptones
Gastric amylase: plays a very minor role in ?
digestion of starch
Gastric lipase:
digestion of Lipid
liquefies gelatin
Gastric urease:
abnormally released in the presense of bacteria that are normally killed by HCl
The Intrinsic factor:
• It is a glycoprotein secreted by the……
• It combines with vitamin……… to allow its …… from the terminal ileum.
• Vit. B12 is a maturation factor in………. and in absence of oxyntic cells, the patient develops ……….
• Parietal (oxyntic) cells.
• vit. B12 , absorption
• erythropoisis , pernicious anemia
“ vit. B2 عامل خارجي مانصنعه في الجسم “
phases of gastric secretion:
- Cephalic phase (nervous)
- Gastric phase (nervous and hormonal)
- Intestinal phase (nervous and hormonal)
Cephalic phase (nervous):
• It accounts for about 20% of gastric secretion associated with eating a meal.
Cephalic phase (nervous):
Food simulate gastric secretion through:
• a) Conditioned reflex: Seeing, smell, hearing or even thinking of food
• b) Unconditioned reflex: Presence of food in the mouth .
- Gastric phase (nervous and hormonal):
• This phase begins when the food enters the stomach.
• It accounts for about 70% of gastric secretion
Intestinal phase (nervous and hormonal):
stimulation of gastric secretion through the release of gastrin hormone from duodenal mucosa in response to the digestive breakdown products of protein.
Gastric (gastroduodenal) mucosal barrier:
• Protects the gastric mucosa from damage, irritation by gastric HCl or auto-digestion by pepsin enzyme.
The protective factors of Gastric (gastroduodenal) mucosal barrier:
• Thick, viscid alkaline mucous layer
•Tight junctions between adjacent epithelial cells.
• Neutralization of the gastric acid by the alkaline secretions (pancreatic secretion,
bile secretion
• Continuous regeneration of gastric mucosa.