L29: Centralised/ Decentralised Water Management Flashcards
to concentrate by placing power and authority in a centre
to disperse or distribute power from the centre
Decentralisation extensive definition
transfer of responsibility for planning, management and resource-raising & allocation from the central government to field units, subordinate units, semi autonomous public authorities or corporations, regional or functional authorities, NGO, etc.
Reasons for decentralisation
- political
- economic decline
- cultural factors
- attempts to increase legitimacy
- external pressure
What are the four dimensions of decentralisation
- political
- administrative
- economic
and - physical system
Purpose of political decentralisation
- power in public decision making
- influence on policy formulation and implementation
- local representation
Purpose of administrative decentralisation
- redistribution of authority, responsibility and financial resources
- provision of public services
- deconcentration, delegation and devolution
Purpose of economic decentralisation
- fiscal (revenue)
- privatisation
- deregulation
- democratisation
Values that can be improved/hindered by decentralised government compare to centralised:
- efficiency (private vs public goods)
- governance
What are Wolman’s Governance Values?
- responsivenss and accountability
- diversity
- political participation, education and leadership
- countervailing power
- national interests
- equality
Actors in successful decentralisation
- stakeholders
- local government
- higher level government
Success factors for decentralisation
- organisational
- relationships
- accountability
Positive influence of decentralisation
- transparency
- openness
- accountability
- honesty
- inter-governmental finance
- social programs
- violence and unrest
Considerations for decentralisation in water management
- problems with high level of uncertainty, competing values and far reaching consequences
- involves multiple organisations and requires high degree of cooperation
- difference in perceptions & values lead to politics
Components of a water management reform:
- basic water supply and sanitation and equitable access to water for all users
- protection of public health and aquatic ecosystems
- integrated and sustainable water management