L20- Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Flashcards
name the two types of skeletal muscle relaxants and their uses (include subtypes)
Neuromuscular Blockers: surgical procedures and in ICUs –> paralysis
- agonists - depolarizing blocker
- antagonists - non-depolarizing blocker
Spasmolytics: reduce spasticity in variety of neurological conditions
- acute spasm
- chronic spasm
list the non-depolarizing blockers
(antagonists) Benzylisoquinolines: -mivacurium -atracurium, cisatracurium -tubocurarine (prototype)
- rocuronium, vocuronium
- pancuronium
______ is the only depolarizing blocker, include structure
succinylcholine: 2 ACh molecules linked end-to-end
Non-depolarizing blockers work as (1) agents at NMJ. (2) is the prototype. Their effects can be overcome by (3), as seen with the use of (4) drugs, often used for recovery post-anesthesia.
1- competitive antagonists at AChR
2- tubocurarine
3- inc [ACh] in synapse
4- neostigmine, edrophonium (AChE inhibitors)
describe the effect of non-depolarizing blockers on muscles during anesthesia
- first cause motor weakness
- skeletal muscles become totally flaccid
- inexcitable to stimulation
Succinylcholine is an agonist of (1) receptors, initially causing (2) in muscles. Since succinycholine is not readily (3) in the synapse, (4) continues and (5) is the end result.
1- nAChR 2- fasciculations 3- metabolized by AChE 4- membrane remains depolarized --> unresponsive to additional impulses 5- flaccid paralysis
discuss the onset and duration of action of succinylcholine, explain
Onset- rapid, <1 min
Duration: rapid, 5-10 mins — rapid hydrolysis via plasma pseudocholinesterases (BChE)
Neuromuscular blockers:
- (1) is an important group that gives the agents strong (polar/non-polar) qualities
- due to this quality, (3) and (4) are the main drawbacks
- (5) is the main benefit of this quality (hint- related to (4))
1- quaternary ammonium
2- highly polar – poorly soluble in lipids
3- inactive if given by mouth — give IV, IM
4- penetrates cell membranes poorly
5- doesn’t cross BBB
list the non-depolarizing blockers by duration of action
Short: mevacurium
- atracurium, cisatracurium
- rocuronium, vecuronium
- tubocurarine
- pancuronium
describe the mechanism of elimination of each benzylisoquinoline and relationship to duration of action
Mivacurium- plasma pseudocholinesterases, 15min
Atracurium- enzymatic, non-ezymatic ester hydrolysis, 45min
Cisatracurium- spontaneous (80%), renal, 45min
Tubocurarine- renal, hepatic, 80min
______ is a non-depolarizing blocker that can degrade spontaneously
describe the mechanism of elimination of each ammonio-steroid and relationship to duration of action
Recuronium, Vecuronium: hepatic (80%), renal; 30min, 45min respectively
Pancuronium: renal (80%), hepatic, 90min
Atracurium may produce (1) as one of its metabolites that can cause (2). (3), a stereoisomer of atracurium forms much less (1) in addition to a decrease in (4) release. Therefore (3) has mostly replaced atracurium.
1- laudanosine
2- hypotension, seizures
3- cisatracurium
4- histamine release
(1) is the only short-acting non-depolarizing blocker due to its hydrolysis via (2).
1- mivacurium
2- plasma BChE // plasma pseudocholinesterases — short b/c metabolism is not dependent on liver, kidney
(1) has the most rapid onset among the non-depolarizing blockers, and can be used as an alternative for (2) in (3) situations
1- rocuronium
2- succinylcholine
3- rapid sequence intubation