L2 Flashcards
4 main theories
Classical Management Theory
●Behavioral Management Theory
●Quantitative Management Theory
●Modern Management Theory
●Developed during the 19th century
●Introduced as a result of the industrial revolution
●Focuses on managing work efficiently through systematic work processes and division of labor
Classical management theories
●Created within the 1880s to the 1890s
●Frederick Taylor was the most well-known proponent of this theory.
●He emphasized the need for a financial rewards system to motivate the workers.
Scientific Management Theory
focused on an authoritative system
Bureaucratic Management Theory
concerned with how the management organizes and directs the employees.
Administrative Management Theory -
3 theories of classical management theory
-Focused on the interests and needs of employees
●Gives importance to human behavioral factors to strengthen unity and teamwork
Behavioral management theories
highlighted the idea that individuals perform better when they feel that they belong to and are valued in the team.
Human Relations Theory
assumed that there are two distinct types of workers in an organization. One is the lazy type who needs to be controlled while the other does his or her work willingly.
Theory X and Y
2 theories of classical management
Human relations theory
Theory X and Y
promotes the use of sophisticated mathematical models and statistical tools in enhancing management skills.
Quantitative Management Theory
integrates technology with management techniques.
The Modern Management Theory
promotes management as an interrelated component of an organization.
Systems Theory
asserts that the management must be adaptable and must make decisions according to the given situation.
Contingency Theory
2 modern management theory
System theory
Contingency theory