L19 - nerve cells & excitability: action potential Flashcards
how do nerve cells communicate?
via dendrites, axons and terminals
what does it mean by neurones care polarised?
resting membrane potential
what is RMP?
electrical charge across plasma membrane where the inside is more negative compared to the outside. -70mV
what are action potentials?
change in voltage across membrane
describe depolarisation of membrane
- excitatory signals at dendrites cause ligand gated sodium channels to open
- causing Na+ ions to diffuse into the cell
- this decreases the negative charge inside the cell and makes the membrane less negative
- so cell becomes less polarised
why is axon hillock known as trigger zone?
- influx of Na+ diffuses inside neurone and produces current that travels towards axon hillock
- a.p usually starts at the axon hillock
- as a.ps are produced by voltage gated ion channels which are most concentrated at axon hillock
all or none law
- if stimulus is strong enough A.P occurs
- frequency of A.P rather than strength
- all A.P same size
- no weak or strong A.P
initial increase of membrane potential to the threshold potential (-55mV)
membrane potential goes from resting membrane potential (-70mV) to LESS negative values
overshoot (peak)
peak of A.P at +40mV
membran potential going back to more negative value (resting memb potential)
hyperpolarisation/ undershoot
potential becomes even more negative than RMP
voltage gated ion channels
- closed at RMP
- open when memb is depolarised (more positive)
- change in voltage triggers opening
- close when rmp is restored
- responsible for initiaiton of Na+ and termination of K+ of action potentials
for A.Ps to be generated what must there be?
a signal strong enough to bring membrane voltage to threshold (-55mV), as this is the minimum needed to open voltage gated ion channels
describe how sodium and potassium channels open at threshold
- Na+ channels open quickly
- K+ channels slowly
- so initial effect is due to sodium influx
- causes cell to become even more positive, leading to further depol