L15 - enzymes as drug targets Flashcards
simple models of reversible enzyme inhibition assume?
- only one molecule of inhibitor will bind to one molecule of enzyme
- inhibitor binding is reversible
- linear kinetics will be observed (ROR will not change except for when substrate is added/removed)
- inhibitors are dead end (at saturated inhibitor conc there will be no residual enzymes activity)
mode of action of inhibitors
- inhibitors can resemble the substrate
- inhibitors can effect Km, Vmax
- potency is measured by Ki fable
- Ki values relate to binding energy (ΔG)
- smaller Ki numbers mean higher binding (higher potency)
what is Ki?
conc of inhibitor that causes 2 fold change in Km or Vmax
what do many potent inhibitors resemble?
transition state of a reaction
to make new inhibitors what do you need to know?
enzyme mechanism
competitive inhibition
- most common
- Km increases (x-intercept changes)
- Km (I) = Km (1 + [I]/Ki)
- km in presence of inhibitor = km in absence x (1 x inhibitor conc / ki value)
- no change in Vmax (y intercept stays same)
- inhibition decreases with increased substrate concentration
non competitive inhibition
- uncommon for single substrate enxymes
- Vmax is reduced
- Vmax/Km (I) = Vmax/Km(1 + [I]/Ki)
- Km not affected
- inhibition not reduced by increasing substrate
mixed competitive
- common form inhibiton
- Km increases
- Vmax decreases
- α factor defines balance of the competitive and non-competitive components.
uncompetitive inhibitor
- uncommon
- inhibitor binds to ES complex
- parallel lines in lineweaver burk plot
- Km and Vmax decrease by same amount , (1 + [I]/Ki)
- increasing substrate concentration increases inhibition
dose response curves (aka IC50 curves)
- measures drug potency at a fixed substrate concentration
- IC50 = conc of drug needed to reduce activity by 50%
- value depends on assay conditions
- IC50 not same as Ki
when does tight binding inhibition occur?
when conc of active enzyme and inhibitor are similar
if conc of active enzyme and inhibitor are similar what does this mean?
conc of free inhibitor does not equal to total inhibitor
in tight binding inhibitors, what does ki value increase with?
enzyme concentration
info about tight binding inhibition
- slow onset
- enzyme inhibitor complex can have longer half life ((Ki = koff/kon)
- so infrequent dosage regimes can be used