L19 Cortical Localization of Function, Language and Aphasias Flashcards
In most people, language depends on __________ hemisphere.
In most people, language depends on left hemisphere (almost all right-handed and most left-handed people).
Cortex can be divided into 52 ______________ based on cellular organization (_______________)
Cortex can be divided into 52 Brodmann areas based on cellular organization (cytoarchitecture)
While different words are associated with activity in different brain regions, ____________________ suggest Broca’s and Wernicke’s Areas are fundamentally associated with language processing
While different words are associated with activity in different brain regions, overlapping regions of activity suggest Broca’s and Wernicke’s Areas are fundamentally associated with language processing
White matter tract between Wernicke’s and Broca’s Areas passes through the _____________and is called _____________
White matter tract between Wernicke’s and Broca’s Areas passes through the Angular Gyrus and is called the Arcuate Fasciculus
Damage ______________=> PRODUCTIVE Aphasia not a deficit in language comprehension, but production
Damage Broca’s Area=> PRODUCTIVE Aphasia: not a deficit in language comprehension, but production
Damage to ________________=> RECEPTIVE Aphasia: Issue in language comprehension
Damage to Wernickes Area => RECEPTIVE Aphasia: Issue in language comprehension
Word thought of => __________ (ideas into words) => ______ (motor production of words)
Word thought of => Werkinckes (ideas into Words) => Brocas (motor production of words)
- Frontal lobe lesion
- Difficulty in understanding grammatically complex sentences
Broca Aphasia:
- Frontal lobe lesion
- Difficulty in understanding grammatically complex sentences
- Left temporal lobe lesion
- Frequent errors in word choice or phonemes
Wernicke Aphasia:
- Left temporal lobe lesion
- Frequent errors in word choice or phonemes
- Damage to structures interacting with language areas
- Speech production and auditory comprehension less severe than Broca and Wernicke
- Difficulty in repeating speech and naming objects
Conduction Aphasia:
- Damage to structures interacting with language areas
- Speech production and auditory comprehension less severe than Broca and Wernicke
- Difficulty in repeating speech and naming objects
- Complete loss of language
- Damage to multiple structures (e.g. middle cerebral artery infarct)
- Often accompanied by right paralysis
Global Aphasia:
- Complete loss of language
- Damage to multiple structures (e.g. middle cerebral artery infarct)
- Often accompanied by right paralysis
Aphasia often accompanied by right paralysis?
Global Aphasia
Aphasia associated with difficulty in understanding grammatically complex sentences?
Broca Aphasia
Aphasia associated with frequent errors in word choice or phonemes?
Wernicke Aphasia
Aphasia associated with difficulty in repeating speech and naming objects?
Conduction Aphasia
Broca’s vs. Wernicke’s
- Speech
- Comprehension
- Region Affected
- Speech: Nonfluent, effortful
- Comprehension: Preserved for single words and simple grammatical sentences
- Region Affected: Left Posterior Frontal Cortex
- Speech: Fluent, abundant, well articulated, melodic
- Comprehension: Impaired
- Region Affected: Left Temporal Cortex
The right cortex is NOT excluded from speech and language, it is important for _____________.
- Right Anterior lesions => _______________
- Right Posterior lesions=> _______________
The right cortex is NOT excluded from speech and language, it is important for PROSODY
- Right Anterior lesions => INAPPROPRIATE INTONATION
The right cortex is NOT excluded from speech and language, it is important for _____________.
- Right Anterior lesions => _______________
- Right Posterior lesions=> _______________
The right cortex is NOT excluded from speech and language, it is important for PROSODY
- Right Anterior lesions => INAPPROPRIATE INTONATION
The more modern view of cortical structures involved in language includes not only Broca’s (?) and Wernicke’s (?) areas, but also _________________
The more modern view of cortical structures involved in language includes not only Broca’s (B) and Wernicke’s (W) areas, but also much of the surrounding cortical structures
Wernicke-Geschwind pathway for Spoken Word Comprehension?
Wernicke-Geschwind pathway for Written Word Comprehension?