L16 Flashcards
[fly] axons of SNs project TO CNS based on…
…location of neuronal cell body in periphery (lateral VS ventral) (location not modality); A2- axons from all dorsal and lateral SNs project to CNS in intersegmental nerve (e.g.Ich5; axons from all ventral SNs project to CNS in segmental nerve (e.g.vcA, vcB)
[fly] axons of SNs project WITHIN CNS based on…
…modality (ext. sensillum VS chordatonal; due to proneural expression of axon guidance Rs; es (mech)= ASC = no Robo3 expression thus not repelled by Slit at midline; eh (prop) = ATO = Robo3 expression thus repelled by Slit at midline (lateral arbor)
During metamorphosis…
…most larval SNs degenerate, 1 remains per pathway to guide adult specific Ns (adult specific Ns follow neuromere; Wing and Haltere follow dorsal ISN to form Wing and Haltere nerves; legs follow ventral SN to form leg nerves; once target reached, neurons segregate based on modality, chemo terminate in ventromedial layer of leg, mech in surrounding neuropile, prop in layer surrounding mech
Axons of particular modality terminate in…
…in neuropile in topographic map that relates to the location of the neuronal cell body in the periphery (spatial mapping)
[mouse] Ventral sensory spinal afferents in the DRG show…
…similar organisation to projections to CNS
[mouse] Misexpression of Runx5 in nociceptive neurons causes them to…
…project to more ventral instead of dorsal domains despite normal neuronal identity (thus most mammalian systems are topographic)
[mouse] How well is the spatial map preserved?
At all levels of processing
Mapping in isocortex is established by…
…FGF8 and EMX2 gradients; increased EMX2 shifts maps rostrally; altered FGF8 expression shifts map; ectopic FGF8 causes duplication of SI
…complementary gradient of (retina)EphA:EphrinA(tectum) [temporonasal->anterioposterior] and EphB:EphrinB [dorsoventral->mediolateral]
Olfactory in mammals…
… is R based; each R maps onto 1/2 glomeruli out of 800 in olfactory bulb (ORs also axon guidance molecules)
Olfactory in flies…
…spatial map in antennal lobe