L13: Skills Shoulder Case Studies Flashcards
What is the diagnosis? What is the moral of the story for diagnosis?

- Full ROM
- No adhesve capsulitis
- No OA
- Unlikely to be instability
- No ACK (EOR without symptoms)
- Full PROM
- Can’t lift arm
- 3 weeks ago
- First symptom (sore neck) –> lost range
- Traumatic? –> no fall
Older lady in 70s
- Rotator cuff pathology
- Acute C5 radiculopathy (weakness of muscles) –> muscle loss
- Less GHJ
- Movement at scapulothoracic
- Careful
- Don’t treat shoulder, rather treat radiculopathy
What is the source of scapular dyskinesis?
Scapular dyskinesis
- Inferior winging
- Anteriorly tilted
- Muscle wasting
- Adducted scapular
- Serratus anterior
- Some medial border winging
Dengue fever
- Long thoracic nerve pathology
Patient 1
- 25 yo male
- Office worker / social rugby
- Tackled on W/E
- Landed on shoulder
- Immediate pain
- Limited AROM by pain
- Limited PROM by pain
What is the 3 differential diagnosis?

- Consider fracture
- Exclude cuff injury
Patient 1
- 25 yo male
- Office worker / social rugby
- Tackled on W/E
- Landed on shoulder
- Immediate pain
- Limited AROM by pain
- Limited PROM by pain
What is the 3 symptoms of ACJ?
- Localised pain and tenderness to palp
- Swelling
- Step deformity
Patient 1
- 25 yo male
- Office worker / social rugby
- Tackled on W/E
- Landed on shoulder
- Immediate pain
- Limited AROM by pain
- Limited PROM by pain
What is the 2 symptoms of fractures?
- Palpate clavicle is pain localised
- (probable imaging)- Rule out/in distal clavicle fracture
Patient 1
- 25 yo male
- Office worker / social rugby
- Tackled on W/E
- Landed on shoulder
- Immediate pain
- Limited AROM by pain
- Limited PROM by pain
What is a symptom of cuff injury?
Time and response as acute pain settles
Not at lateral shoulder
Superior on ACJ
Can exert moderate amount of force
PROM (no range)
What are 9 treatments for ACJ injury (limited pathology based)?
- Inflammatory- RICE and sling (support shoulder)
- Pain- Manual therapy (caudal glide –> afferent input at ACJ)
- Regain ROM- Relative to pathology
- Muscle optimisation
- Control scapula-Loss structural stability
- Strength shoulder complex
- RICE / MICE- Can help with tissue healing
- Advice sleeping / positons of comfort
- Sling for comfort if grade 3 / maybe helps with grade 2 (couple of wks)- 3 months to lie on affected side
- –> ACJ caud III in neutral and progress toward provocative positions
- Motor control and strength
- Function
Patient 2
- Patient 65 yo male
- Golden oldies rugby
- Slipped and FOOSH 2/52
- Acute pain in region of body chart
- Now easing but still limited AROM – difficulty with lifting, washing under arm, dressing
- Otherwise well
- AROM 700 elevation
- PROM 1600 not particularly pain
What are 8 things to rule out?

- Not superior = not ACJ
- OA of GHJ (uncommon) but could be possible
- Not instability (younger)
- Rotator cuff –> possible
- Trauma
- Pain on lateral and anterior shoulder (not superior = not ACJ)
- Not instability (younger)
Patient 2
- Patient 65 yo male
- Golden oldies rugby
- Slipped and FOOSH 2/52
- Acute pain in region of body chart
- Now easing but still limited AROM – difficulty with lifting, washing under arm, dressing
- Otherwise well
- AROM 700 elevation
- PROM 1600 not particularly pain
What are 4 differential diagnosis?
- Possible massive cuff tear- Traumatic injury (hallmark)
- More mild tear and pain inhibition- Not as much as traumatic
- Fracture (impacted HOH)- Stable fracture but distorted structure of bone
- ACJ- Not likely
Patient 2
- Patient 65 yo male
- Golden oldies rugby
- Slipped and FOOSH 2/52
- Acute pain in region of body chart
- Now easing but still limited AROM – difficulty with lifting, washing under arm, dressing
- Otherwise well
- AROM 700 elevation
- PROM 1600 not particularly pain
What are 4 tests for the 4 differential diagnosis?
- Cuff integrity tests
- Cuff impingement tests
- Imaging USS +/- xray- Convenience
- Palpation of ACJ
Isometric/strength/ belly press/ lift off (IR/ER)
What are 12 treatments for acute cuff tear?
- Massive and acute cuff tear with significant physical disability
- Pain
- Motor
- Strength
- Scapula dynamics if relevant
- Other impairments
- Tight / stiff
- Surgical consult quite likely
- Maintain PROM as comfortable
- Does not heal / no restrictions with pathology
- Manual therapy for pain if rqd
- Stiff / tight: Manual therapy and soft tissue stretches
- Progressive cuff strengthening program (what remains)
- Isometric holds (in neutral) –> yellow band —> progress –> black band –> different positions/ranges –> functional
- Program of substitution lats for HOH depressor with activation of deltoid
90˚ = functional needs are sufficient? –> most it is not
Minority –> surgery
Patient 3
- 20 yo. A grade cricket player – outfield
- Dominant arm
- Progressive restriction with throwing with discomfort- Pain in EOR
- AROM pain EOR elevation
- Increased with o/p- Overpressure (PROM)
- Fit
- Perhaps inferior angle of scapula winging
What are 7 differential diagnosis?
- Possible rotator cuff tendinopathy
- Small P/T or F/T tear
- Labral injury
- (ACJ)- Not likely
- Posterior impingement (internal) –> has posterior pain but not lateral
- Not OA
- Possible instability (less likely)
When is it restricted?
- Cocking
- Deceleration

Patient 3
- 20 yo. A grade cricket player – outfield
- Dominant arm
- Progressive restriction with throwing with discomfort- Pain in EOR
- AROM pain EOR elevation
- Increased with o/p- Overpressure (PROM)
- Fit
- Perhaps inferior angle of scapula winging
What are 7 types of tests for differential diagnosis?
- Cuff impingement tests
- Cuff integrity tests
- Scapula facilitation
- Perhaps tightness restricted with anterior tilt
- perhaps tight / overactive pec minor- Soft tissue
- Tight posterior shoulder- Can’t get his scapula on the bed
- Labral tests
- Palpation of ACJ
- Imaging USS +/- xray
- Unresponsive
- AP glide in IR to stretch the posterior structures of the shoulder
- IR exercises in abduction –> so not impinging
- Overactive
- Forward HOH
- Scapular position
- Motor control or flexibility
Patient 3
- 20 yo. A grade cricket player – outfield
- Dominant arm
- Progressive restriction with throwing with discomfort- Pain in EOR
- AROM pain EOR elevation
- Increased with o/p- Overpressure (PROM)
- Fit
- Perhaps inferior angle of scapula winging
What are 14 treatments?
- Scapula facilitation
- Scapula soft tissue
- HOH posture
- Other structures
- Tx spine other soft tissue
- Load management
- Motor
- Have they got PROM
- Pec Minor / post shoulder / other
- Soft tissue +/- cuff function
- Manual therapy / soft tissue / motor
- Advice / sport specific
- Does he need to stop/continue sport
- Scapula control and strength
- Rotator cuff (control) and strength
- Kinetic chain
Patient 4
- 55 yo female
- No injury
- Worsening shoulder pain in the last 3/52
- Guarded mvt / Diff undressing
- 1100 of flexion, 1000 abd, 600 ER,
- Pain limited and PROM ISQ
- Scapula dyskinesia – no change with facilitation
What are 6 differential diagnosis?

- Adhesive capsulitis- Possible
- GH arthritis- 3 weeks ago –> nothing
- Major cuff tear
- Less likely due to trauma?
- Cuff arthropathy
- Less likely due to trauma?
- Acute bursitis
- Painful restrictive shoulder –> possible
- Cuff tendinopathy
- Not likely
Patient 4
- 55 yo female
- No injury
- Worsening shoulder pain in the last 3/52
- Guarded mvt / Diff undressing
- 1100 of flexion, 1000 abd, 600 ER,
- Pain limited and PROM ISQ
- Scapula dyskinesia – no change with facilitation
What are 6 types of tests for differential diagnosis?
- No injury
- No previous shoulder problems
- PROM = AROM pain limited (not stiff)
- No crepitus
- Cuff impingement tests unable
- Isometric strength appears intact but generally pain limited
Patient 4
- 55 yo female
- No injury
- Worsening shoulder pain in the last 3/52
- Guarded mvt / Diff undressing
- 1100 of flexion, 1000 abd, 600 ER,
- Pain limited and PROM ISQ
- Scapula dyskinesia – no change with facilitation
What are 2 symptoms of adhesive capsulitis?
- Specific pattern of ER > Abd > IR (HBB)
- Behaviour of symptoms with further questioning – pain initially and now increasingly restricted ROM
- Adhesive capsulitis symptom
- ER is okay for lower ranges of flexion
- IR is less but not as bad
Patient 4
- 55 yo female
- No injury
- Worsening shoulder pain in the last 3/52
- Guarded mvt / Diff undressing
- 1100 of flexion, 1000 abd, 600 ER,
- Pain limited and PROM ISQ
- Scapula dyskinesia – no change with facilitation
What is a symptom of acute bursitis (=/- tendon etc)?
Next couple of weeks are the proof
Patient 4
- 55 yo female
- No injury
- Worsening shoulder pain in the last 3/52
- Guarded mvt / Diff undressing
- 1100 of flexion, 1000 abd, 600 ER,
- Pain limited and PROM ISQ
- Scapula dyskinesia – no change with facilitation
What are 2 symptoms of cuff injury?
Muscle testing was not
directionally specific (other
features stronger signs)
• But these tend to have a more
diffuse restriction of mvt
Patient 4
- 55 yo female
- No injury
- Worsening shoulder pain in the last 3/52
- Guarded mvt / Diff undressing
- 1100 of flexion, 1000 abd, 600 ER,
- Pain limited and PROM ISQ
- Scapula dyskinesia – no change with facilitation
What are 3 treatments staged to pathology and progressively impairment based?
- Pain
- Scapula dyskinesia
- Gentle and non-provocative manual therapy
- Increase or de-load subacromial space (longitudinal caudad glides)
- Self maintenance
- PROM not exacerbate pain
- Strength even if isometric
- (Inflammatory treatment) ice
- Analgesia / NSAIDs / early c/s?
- (Hydrodilatation?)
- Progressive increase of manual therapy and stretching and overall exercise – test to the stage
- If any role in addressing scapula dyskinesia till late stage
Patient 5
- 55 yo female triathlete
- Pain for 6/12 but now affecting swim and home duties (reaching)
- Perhaps some increased training in last 3/12 only
- Mid range pain with elevation
- Restricted ROM HBB and describes as tight
- Scapula dyskinesia
- Fwd HOH
What are 4 differential diagnosis?
- Rotator cuff (SAI)
- Instability
- Labral injury
- ACJ unlikely
Patient 5
- 55 yo female triathlete
- Pain for 6/12 but now affecting swim and home duties (reaching)
- Perhaps some increased training in last 3/12 only
- Mid range pain with elevation
- Restricted ROM HBB and describes as tight
- Scapula dyskinesia
- Fwd HOH
What are 5 types of test for differential diagnosis?
- Impingement test painful ie positive
- Apprehension test painful but not describing apprehension
- Describes a little easier with relocation
- Isometric Abd and ER shoulder pain
- Sleeper test restricted (200)
- ACJ not tender
Patient 5
- 55 yo female triathlete
- Pain for 6/12 but now affecting swim and home duties (reaching)
- Perhaps some increased training in last 3/12 only
- Mid range pain with elevation
- Restricted ROM HBB and describes as tight
- Scapula dyskinesia
- Fwd HOH
What are 6 treatments for differential diagnosis?
- Scapula pattern
- Identify if scapula muscle weakness
- Load effect
- Rotator cuff
- Scapula - demonstrated significant improvement – early aspect to address
- Progressively addressing functional point in range
- Articular and soft tissue impairments
- Manual therapy and stretching
- Load management relative to symptom provocation
- Rotator cuff rehab
- Progressively addressing functional point in range
- Overall shoulder strength
- And at specific point in range
- Swimming assessment at appropriate time point
- Poor rotation in the pool
Significant improvement 6- 8 weeks and 3 months –> better