L12: Workplace mistreatment Flashcards
galupo 2016 & onwards
Define microaggressions
sublte forms of mistreatment often embedded in everyday interactions that communicate hostile/derogatory/negative slights & insluts toward specific groups
What do microagressions to LGBT ppl lead to?
- unwelcoming environment for LGBT employees
- impact on mental well being
- decreased job satisfaction
- worsened workplace relationships
What are the 3 main types of microaggressions?
- microassaults
- microinsults
- microinvalidations
Define micro assaults
direct, explicit slights or attacks meant to harm, such as derogatory language like “fag” or “dyke”
closest to over discrimination
Define microinsults
indirect comments that convery rudeness or insensitivity & often belittle the person’s identity, like a supervisor ignoring an LGBT employee’s contributions in meetings
Define microinvalidation
comments that dismiss or negate the experiences or identities of LGBT ppl, like expressing surprise when someone identifies as gay or questioning the authenticity of an individual’s experience
What did Galupo (2016)’s study find were the 3 main themes associated w workplace microaggressions?
- workplace climate
- organizational structure
- workplace policy
How is the workplace climate associated w workplace queer microaggressions?
- microaggressions contribute to hostile & heterosexist work enviironment
- results in isolation, especially for ppl who hadnt come out as they might have to witness microaggressions w/o feeling safe enough to address them
How is the organisational structure associated w workplace queer microaggressions?
- microaggressions often reflect power dynamics within the workplace (ex: between supervisors & employees)
- ex: supervisors sometimes made stereotypical remarks about LGBT employees
- additional burden to speak up cause youre in a hierarchy
How is the workplace policy related to workplace queer microaggressions?
- theres gaps in policies that should protect against queer discrimination
- leads to feelings of lack of support
What are the implications of Galupo (2016)’s research on LGBT microaggresions in workplace?
- clarify anti discrimination policies to include examples of microaggressions
- provide training on LGBT inclusivity, like correct pronoun usage & understanding of diverse identities
- ensure all departments, including HR are aware of & enforce inclusivity policies
- align their workplace policies with their mission & diversity statements to avoid contradictions that might alienate LGBT employees
What are different types of mistreatment?
- abusive supervision
- bullying
- discrimination
- harassment
- incivility
- interpersonal conflict
- ostracism
- physical aggression
- microagressions
- verbal aggression
- sexist treatment/sexual harassment, gender discrimination
- racist treatment/harassment.discrimination
Define abusive supervision
“subordinates” perceptions of the extent to which supervisors engage in the sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviours, excluding physical contact
Define bullying
repeated and enduring aggressive behaviours that are intended to be hostile and/or perceived as hostile by the recipient
Define discrimination
when persons in a social category are put at a disadvantage in the workplace relative to other groups w comparable potential or proven success
Define harassment
Neg workplace interactions that affect the terms, conditions, or employment decisions related to an individual’s job, or create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working environment
Define incivility
Low-intensity deviant behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target, in violation of workplace norms for mutual respect.
less explicit & severe bullyiing (like being rude)
Define interpersonal conflict
Minor disagreements between coworkers to physical assaults on others. The conflict may be overt (e.g., being rude to a coworker) or may be covert (e.g., spreading rumors about a coworker)
Define workplace ostracism
form of social exclusion that doesnt involve overt conflict but instead involves ignoring or excluding a colleague
What is a specific characteristic of ostracism?
its ambiguous & lacks clear intent, making it hard for the target to understand why it happens, yet it can be more damaging that over mistreatment