What is the focus of psychologically informed therapies?
How communication skills can be used to minimize the impact of chronic pain
It serves as a middle way between traditional biomedical or bio mechanically focused care and mental health treatment.
Enhancement of MSK practice by restoring function, rengaging activity & preventing secondary disability
What does Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) integrate?
Both cognitive and behavioral strategies
CBT addresses maladaptive thought patterns and promotes adaptive coping mechanisms.
What are the applications of CBT?
- Chronic pain management
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Behavioral change in rehabilitation
Define Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT).
A PT-based approach integrating cognitive, behavioral, and functional components to address pain and movement dysfunctions.
What is the primary aim of CFT?
Help patients with LBP identify and overcome modifiable factors that break the cycle of pain-related disability.
What is mindfulness in the context of stress reduction?
A state of conscious presence of mind, experiencing the moment, oneself, and the environment.
List the goals of mindfulness-based stress reduction.
- Improves functional capacity
- Improves pain management
- Improves quality of life
- Change in subjective perception of pain
- Reduction of chronicity
What does Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) encourage?
Acceptance of unavoidable experiences while committing to values-driven actions.
What are cognitive strategies?
Sets of mental and behavioral processes consciously implemented to achieve set goals and solve problems.
How do cognitive strategies enhance health outcomes?
By leveraging the patient’s cognitive processes for motor performance, pain management, and rehabilitation.
What is mental imagery/visualization?
Visualizing successful performance or reduced pain to enhance outcomes.
What is the main mechanism through which pain perception is influenced?
Pain is influenced by attention, interpretation, beliefs, expectations, cognition, emotion, coping strategy, and pain behavior.
What is the fear-avoidance model?
Description: Painful injury may result in catastrophizing & fear, leading to avoidance of certain movements, which leads to more avoidance, dysfunction, depression & ultimately more pain
What psychological processes are featured in the fear-avoidance model? Describe mechanisms et strategies
- Coping interpretation featuring catastrophizing
- Emotions: fear, worry, and depression
- Attention: hyper-vigilance
- Behavior: avoidance of movement
Mechanism: activity avoidance leads to physical degeneration & social
isolation => vicious circle
Strategies: Graded exposure to feared activities
What does the stress-diathesis model highlight?
A person predisposed to pain has it worse due to high levels of stress and limited coping resources.