18 - HUMAN MVT SYSTEM Flashcards
Noncommunicable disease:
- Definition
- common types
- risk factors
- roles of pt
= chronic conditions that are not infectious & cannot be spread from person to person
- Primarily caused by combination of genetic, physiological, environmental & behavioral factors
- Generally, conditions progress slowly & persist over long time
- Responsible for majority of deaths worldwide (41000000 people/year & 91% of people died in UE)
Common types
- Cardiovascular
- Chronic respiratory
- Cancer
- Neurologic …
Risk factors
- Physical inactivity
- Tobacco
- Unhealthy diet
- Alcohol
- Genetic
- High blood pressure
- Obesity …
Role of PT
- Promote physical activity & exercise across all age groups
- Addressing modifiable risk factors (like obesity & inactivity)
- Assisting with rehabilitation for patients with CV or respiratory diseases
- Educating patients on lifestyle modifications to improve overall health
- acronyme
- definition
- components
- formula
- numbers
Disability adjusted life year
= measure used in public health to quantify overall burden of disease
- Reflects total number of years lost due to ill-health, disability or premature death within
- Measure how disability affect
- Years of Life Lost (YLL): measures years lost due to premature death
- Years Lived with Disability (YLD): measures years lived with disability or disease
- 87% of noncommunicable disease are in DALY
- 394 000 000: people / year that have disease who benefits to healthcare…
- 369 years even 1000 people due to no physical activity
DALY causes human costs, because someone must take care of ill people
Neoplasms number has % increase due to medicine progress, life expectancy increase => change in goals
of treatment, not only saving life but also improve QoL
Health behavior def
Health behavior
= actions taken by individuals affecting health or mortality
- May be intentional or unintentional
- Promote or detract from health of actor or others
Unhealthy behavior def
Unhealthy behavior
= actions that can lead to chronic conditions & noncommunicable diseases (NCD
PTs as exercise & physical activity experts across life span
- Imperative that effective strategies for exercise & PA across lifespan implemented
- As experts in movement & exercise and with thorough knowledge of risk factors & pathology and their effects on all systems, PT are ideal professionals to promote, guide, prescribe & manage physical activity & exercise activities and efforts
Difference between PT and personal trainer
PT = movement experts: what difference with personal trainer?
- Prevention & injury management
- Optimize physical activity & improve quality of life
- Patients want to see immediate improvement not in many years
- Education
Evolution of PT théories
1975: pathokinesiology
1995: movement continuum theory
2000: kinesio pathology
2013: human movement system
Description patho kinesiology & year
1975: Patho-kinesiology
- PT amid crisis of identity, profession in search of identity
- Hislop’s proposal: patho-kinesiology as distinguishing clinical science of physical therapy
- Study of anatomy & physiology as relate to abnormal human movement
- Pt can claim unique privilege of placing role of exercise in health & disease in its proper scientific
focus & perspective
- Not recognized for expertise in exercise except with post-surgical & paralyzed patients
Description movement continuum theory & year
Description kinesio pathology & year
Human movement system
- year
- def
- why mvt = essential
- why promote mvt system
- components
- assessment
- System as foundation for optimizing movement improving health of society
- Physical therapy profession promotes movement system as foundation for optimizing movement to improve health of society
- Movement system = integration of body systems generating & maintaining movement at all levels of bodily function
- Recognition & validation of movement system essential to understand structure, function &
potential human body
- Body system for which PT are responsible
- System of expertise as PT our identity
Human movement = complex behavior within specific context & is influenced by social, environmental & personal factors
Movement = an essential
- Essential function of life at all levels of living organisms, from ions moving through membranes to moving limbs to moving environment
- Movement system = core of physical therapist practice, education & research
Why promote movement system
- Clarifies PT’s responsibility on body system: respected health professions identify with system of body
- Provides context for diagnoses that PT make: no recognition for being able to identify pb unless there is label
- Informs other health professionals of existence of movement-based syndrome
- Physicians identify NMSK problems based on patho-anatomy: treatment by drugs & surgery
- PT identify NMSK pbs based on Patho kinesiology or kinesio-pathology: treatment by movement
Patho-kinesiology = have a pathology, so move differently
Kinesio-pathology = move differently so develop a patho logy
Human movement = complex behavior within specific context & is influenced by social, environmental & personal factors
Movement induces adaptative changes in components:
- Brain
- Muscles
- Shape
- PT identify NMSK problems based on patho-kinesiology or kinesio-pathology
Why do we care about mvt
Why do we care about movement?
Care about pattern movement
- Force distribution on joint: not too much force on specific structures
- Possibility to have tissue trauma
p extension:
Back extension: lead to increase the lever → increase load on back
Ankle sway: low distribution:
Standing upright in neutral position, 80% of weight applied on body of vertebrae and 20% on spinous
processes & facet joints
If degeneration of IVB & decrease space → change space between facet joints → Joint space in nerve
roots (narrowing, compression) → change load on facet joints ➔ more load posteriorly, exchange
between 80 & 20%
Extension pb of back
Relation between movement & MSK pain
MSK pain (working theory) description
MSK pain (working theory):
- Related to lifestyle like many other health conditions
- Progressive condition
o Starting with acute pain, 1st indication of tissue damage
o High reoccurrence rate, leading to chronic problem
- Result of tissue changes associated with
o Aging related degeneration
o Activity induced tissue injury from impaired joint movement
Theories: “just” our best explanation of reality
- Lower-dimensional interpretations can only approximate true nature of multidimensional
Challenges of human system
Avoid chronicisation