L'immigration Flashcards
fan (waving), range
on the range there are peacocks with an even tail
totally relaxed
les doigts de pieds en éventail
this doctor is ineffective in operations
be power-hungry, overly ambitious
avoir les dents qui rayent le parquet
so power-hungry that you eat the floor - have teeth long enough to reach the floor
Public Prosecutors department
le parquet
breaking the thermometer (blaming the tools for bad work, changing the measuring system to make a problem go away)
Ce n’est pas en cassant le thermomètre qu’on fait tomber la fièvre.
(it’s not by breaking the thermometer that we make fall the fever)
under the reptiles made of cement gangsters meet
withdrawal into oneself
repli sur soi
don’t want to reply
hit like a ton of bricks
tomber comme un couperet
fall like a guillotine
guillotine blade
le couperet
straightaway, right away
I’ll nom with wheat (ble) straight away
hold up (bank)
break in
uncultivated land
la friche
on peut trouver du fric sur la friche et etre riches (comme Bouratino)
le interstice
crack in the sky appeared when jesus was interred during the solstice
housing stock
le parc de logement
park of lodgings available for picking
work, slog away
if you slog away, you can become a boss
seal, conclude
intending to intimidate or show strength
a coups de menton
with a blow of the stuck-out chin
get round, overcome, cover up
pal, you’ll help me cover this murder up so we can overcome the problem of jail? yee
cover the costs
assumer les coûts
you can’t just assume we can cover the costs
family reunification
le regroupement familiale
well ahead
loin devant
my loins are deviant and far ahead of you
un pote
got a mate in a pot - cannibalism
to disturb
don’t disturb the ranger Aragorn
on the other hand
en contrepartie
thin-skinned, sensitive
a fleur de peau
a skin made of flowers
in this respect
a son egard
le rapport
someone who is surveyed
un sonde
les emeutiers
facial features
les facies
official, compulsory
well anyway
enfin bref
socioeconomic category
la categorie socioprofessionnelle
I can’t do anything about it
je n’y peux rien
to the city and the world
urbi et orbi
to the urbans and to the orb
holding your breath
an app for holding your breath when you are born
absolute must
le passage oblige
you are obliged to take this passage - there’s some lovely flower ships there
with no change
brut de pomme/brut de fonderie”, “brut de décoffrage”
brutally apple
become angrily easily
etre soupe au lait
angry because there’s soup in my milk
not be naive
ne pas etre ne de la derniere pluie
be a bit crazy
avoir un petit velo dans la tete
too smart to fall for something, to know better than that
Pas folle, la guêpe!
forget everything
avoir la tete comme une passoire
have a head like a colander
self-confident in a pretentious way
se regarder le nombril
look intro your navel
be of a low intellectual level
voler bas
to beat fast (heart) (have your heart in your throat)
battre la chamade
the drumming champ made it, got first place, heart racing
show your reaction
accuser le coup
I accuse you of this coup!
get better after a problem/illness
reprende du poil de la bête
the rescued dog started growing beast hair again
get fed up
la moutarde me monte au nez
I’m really fed up with this mustard plant climbing into my nose
dazed by knocking against something
en voir 36 chandelles
in the same way
au meme titre
top of the range
haute de gamme
highest gama
la semaine
la foret
by chance
au hasard
a problem
un problème
be pre-occupied with something
etre aux prises avec qqch
pre-occupied with polishing all my prizes
Atlantis was an established aquatic city
the living environment
cadre de vie
un tiers
in this capacity
a ce titre
d’ores et deja
the oars are already on the bank
bask in sun (lounge), crack
if lizards bask in the sun too long, their skin starts to crack
solemn, pompous
tombola, lucky draw
le tirage au sort
the university of the Third Age holds a sort of lucky draw for who can get in
advise, recommend, encourage
he’s a pretty big con, he advised me to be a miser
typing machine (to type)
le dactylographiant
pterodactyl typing graphic novels on a typing machine
housewarming, hanging
la pendaison
I’ll give you this season’s pendant for the housewarming, and then hang you by it – anna wintour
put your hat up in the air
la autarcie
direct debit, sample, swab
le prélèvement
ensure that
faire en sorte que
i’l sort it out, i’ll ensure that it works
on the sly
en catamini
the cat puts on a mini dress on the sly
with trust
les yeux fermes
follow, ensue, come out, stem from
flow straight from the cooler
work for peanuts
travailler pour des clopinettes
work for crappy net profits