Kupu: Question Words Flashcards
aha? Kei te aha ia? What is he/she doing? Kei te aha koe? Kei te aha ngā tama?
What’s this?
He aha tēnei?
What’s this?
He aha
What colour is the pen.
He aha te tae o te pene?
He whero te tae o te pene.
What are these (here by me)?
They are pens
He aha ēnei?
He pene ēnei
What is this (here by me)?
He aha tēnei?
What is that (by you)?
He aha tēna?
Nō hea koe?
Nō Tauranga au
What are you doing?
Kei te aha koe?
What is your mother doing?
Kei te aha tō māmā?
To where?
Ki hea?
Where is the pen?
Kei whea te pene?
Ko wai tō ingoa?
Ko Lianne tōku ingoa.
Who are you?
Ko wai koe?
Where is Mere?
Mere is in the Whare.
Kei whea a Mere?
Kei roto a Mere I te whare.
How many? (Not people)
E hia
E hia ngā āporo?
E rua ngā āporo
How many things?
How many of those things?
E hia ngā mea?
What are the boys doing?
Kei te aha ngā Tama?
Generally take the question word out of the question
And replace with the answer, and change koe to au
There are two of them
E rua ngā mea
E iwa ngā mea
Tekau ngā mea
The bird is singing.
Kei te waiata te manu
Like, how
How are you?
Kei te pehea koe?
What was your food like?
I pēhea tāu kai?
how? how about? what about? of what sort? of what nature? treat in what way? act in what way? - an interrogative which can be used as an adjective or an ordinary verb
Pehea ?
Kei te pehea koe?
Kei te pai au.
I am listening
Kei te whakarongo au
I am laughing
Kei te kata au.
E kata ana au.
The duck is swimming
Kei te tāhoe te rakiraki
It is raining
Kei te heke te ua.
Are you hiding?
Kei te huna koe?
The boys are playing
Kei te tākaro ngā tama
She is going
She is not going.
Kei te haere ia.
1) ia kei te haere. (Rearrange)
2) ia i te haere (change kei to i)
3) kāore ia i te haere. (Put kāore in front).
E haere ana ia
Kāore ia haere ana.
I am talking
I am not talking
Kei te kōrero au
Kāore au i te kōrero
E kōrero ana au
Kāore au e kōrero ana
She is running
She is not running
Kei te oma ia
Kāore ia i te oma
E oma ana ia
Kāore ia e oma ana
Is this a pen?
He pene tēnei?
Ae, he pene tëna.
Kāore, he tēpu tēnā
What’s the name of that woman?
Ko wai te ingoa ō tera Wahine?
What is she doing?
Kei te aha ia?
Where is my waka?
Kei hea tōku waka?
From where have you returned?
Kua hoki mai koe i hea?
Where are you from?
Nō hea koe?
When’s the game?
Āhea te kēmu?
How many fish are in your kete?
E hia ngā ika kei roto i tōu kete?
How many people are coming?
Tokohia ngā tangata e haere mai?
Which cup do you like?
Ko tēhea te kapu pai ki a koe?
Which books have you read?
Ko ēhea ngā pukapuka kua pānuitia e koe?