Kupu Numbers Flashcards
E hia ngā āporo?
E whitu ngā āporo
E hia ngā hōiho?
Kotahi te hōiho.
There is one horse.
E hia ngā pene?
E whā ngā pene.
There are four pens
E hia ngā rākau?
Kotahi te rākau.
There is one tree.
Tokohia ngā tāngata?
Only use ‘toko’ in answer between 2 and 9.
Tokohia ngā tamariki?
Tokotoru ngā tamariki
There are four children.
Tokohia ngā wāhine o tēnei kapa?
Tekau mā rua
Tokohia ngā tāne I haere?
How many men went?
Kotahi rau, ono tekau mā whā
Tokohia ngā tāne?
Tokoono ngā tāne.
Tokohia ngā kōtiro?
E tekau mā rima kōtiro
15 girls
Hōmai kia kotahi te tōtiti, kia rua ngā hēki.
( can I have) one sausage and two eggs.
Kia hia ngā inu (māu)?
How many drinks do you want?
Kia rua tekau mā whā ngā inu.
Kia hia ngā tōtiti māu?
How many sausages would you like?
Kia whā te tōtiti.
Four sausages
He/she came fourth
I tuawhā ia
Tekau mā rima
One thousand
Kotahi mano
One million
Kotahi miriona
One hundred
Kotahi rau
Rua mano mā tahi
Kotahi mano , iwa rau, waru tekau mā waru
How many apples are there?
E hia ngā āporo?
There are seven apples
E whitu ngā āporo
How many fingers?
E hia ngā matimati?
There are five fingers
E rima ngā matimati
How many horses are there?
E hia ngā hōiho?
There is one horse
Kotahi te hōiho
How many? (objects, not people)
E hia
Hia means ‘how many’
But for people, use tokohia
How many people?
Tokohia ngā tāngata?
How many children?
Tokohia ngā tamariki?
Three children
Tokotoru ngā tamariki
Or just
How many books do you want?
Kia hia ngā pukapuka māu
Asking how many items or objects are required for you
Kia hia … māu
How many drinks do you want?
Kia hia ngā inu
I want 12 drinks
Kia rua tekau mā rua ngā inu
I want seven books
Kia whitu ngā pukapuka māu
How many of those things?
E hia ngā mea?
There are two things
E rua ngā mea.
There is one thing
Kotahi te mea
There are ten things
Tekāu ngā mea