Krushchev, Eisenhower, JFK and the Thaw Flashcards
What was the new Soviet policy 1956/57?
Peaceful coexistence or the thaw
What prompted the change in policy?
Stalin’s death was an opportunity for dialogue
Kruschev wanted a policy of Destalinisation as outlined in his secret speech 1956
Stalin had made many foreign policy mistakes e.g. failure of the Berlin blockade, defection of Yugosalvia from Cominform in 1948 and the formation of NATO
The defence industry accounted for a third of expenditure in 1950 - this took resources from consulner goods and agriculture
Kruschev promised improvements
What achievements were made under peaceful cooexistence or the thaw?
Summits took place after 1953 to open up dialogue
An armistice was signed in Korea
A constructive meeting was held with Berlin foreign ministers in Jan 1954. They disagreed over the reunification of Germany but Molotov the Soviet foreign minister proposed an all German govt with reps from E and W. The West disagreed and argued that E Germany would need free elections first
When was the Geneva Conference?
April 1954
What was achieved at he Geneva conference?
armistice in Korea
USSR and USA agreed to let the French withdraw from Indo China
Why did Dulles question the agreement to let the French withdraw from Indo China?
Endorsed communism in Vietnam
When was he Austrian state Treaty?
What did the Austrian state treaty agree?
Troops would withdraw and Austria would become a neutral state
Later the West agreed to withdraw forces from W Germany
What was Eisenhower’s role in the Geneva conference?
Said he atmosphere was cordial
US and USSR agreed on cultural and scientific exchanges
Eisenhower proposed open skies with spy planes freely going over each territory to verify each others nuclear stockpiles was rejected
Discussions over reunification of Germany were hamperreed by W Germany joining NATO
Krushchev suggested NATO and the Warsaw pact be replaced by a collective security body but was rejected
How was the Geneva summit a breakthrough?
First meeting of major heads of govt since 1945
What did Krushchev say in his speech at the 20th congress of the communist party 1956?
We want to cooperate and be friends with the US in the interest of peace and security
If good relations are not forthcoming will lead to an arms race
He followed Lenin’s priciplae of peacefu coexistence with states of different social systems
The only alt would be the most devastating war in history
What was the impact of the Soviet reconciliation with Yugoslavia and the secret speech 1956?
Triggered unrest in E Europe
What happened in Poland 1956?
The workers in Poznan revolted in June 1956 over increased work targets
The revolt was repressed
To appease the public the Polish communists party turned to the popular former leader Gomulka
why were the USSR concerned about Gomulka?
They thought he would press for Polish independence so they flew to Warsaw in Oct 1956 to prevent Gomulka’s election
How did Gomulka reassure Khrushchev?
Won the election and said he wouldn’t withdraw from the warsaw pact
Did the USA miss an opportunity in Poland 1956?
Yes they failed to help roll back communism in Poland
What happened in Hungary 1956?
Poland encourgaed Hungary to demand the replacement of the repressive Matyas Rakoski with the moderate Imre Nagy
Khrushchev agreed with this, but riots in Hungary broke out. The Soviet ARmy could not retore order
Nagy negotiated the withdrawal of the Red Army on 28 Oct 1956
Nagy declared an intention to share power with non communists and pull out of the Warsaw pact
Khrushchev was incensed mobilised his army who killed 20,000 Hungarians
Nagy was executed and replaced with Janos Kadar
Did the American miss an opportunity in Hungary?
Yes they did nothing other than spread anti communist propaganda via Radio Free Europe
How did the Egyptian President Gamel Nasser respond to the US withdrawing funds from the Aswan Dam project?
He nationalised the Suez Canal
Why was the US unhappy with Egypt?
They were receiving weapons from Czecholslavakia
What was the significance of the Suez Canal?
Bitain partly owned it and it was an important waterway for French and British ships
How did Britain respond to plans to nationalise the Suez Canal?
They planned with the Isrealis to launch an attack on 29 Oct to allow French and Brit forces to protect the area
How did the US react to the planned israeli/British attack?
Called for a withdrawl of the Israelis at the UN, but Britain vetoed it
The United Nations Emergency Force was sepatched on 4 Nov
How did the Soviets respond?
Allied themselves to Egypt
How the the US show their concern towards Soviet invovement in the middles East?
Formulated the Eisenhower Doctrine
Agreed to help any friendly govts with support against power hungry communists
This drew the US directly into Middle Eastern affairs
What does the Eisenhower doctrine state?
The US doesnot seek political or social domination over other people
They want to create an environment of freedom
They would cooperate with any group in the middles east that wanted to develop economic strength and national independence and give millitary assistance
What was agreed at Camp David in 1959?
Both the US and USSR would resolve issues diplomatically
What happened at Paris 1960?
Kruschev and Eisenhower met to seek a deal over
1. Germany
2. The prohibition of nuclear weapons in the Pacific
The prevention of Germny ever possessing nuclear weapons
Why did the Paris talks end?
Eisenhower refused to apologise for sending spy planes over the USSR
How did the USSR respond to planes flying over the USSR?
They shot down a U-2 spy plane and the pilot Gary Poers confessed to being on a spy mission not a weather mission
Who became president after Eisenhower?
When did JFK meet Kruschev?
Vienna 1961
What did Kennedy say at his insugeration speech
He would use all means neccessary to protect iberty and freedom
Increased millitary spending
How was Kruschev under pressure in East Germany during the 1960s?
There was an exodus of skilled workers from the East to the WEst - 2.7 million had migrated since 1945
What did Khrushchev demand of Kennedy in 1961 Vienna?
That the USA leave West Berlin within 6 months
Kennedy refused
How did Kennedy respond after Vienna?
Called up reservists
increased millitary spending
Advocated the expansion of NATO
What did Krushchev do in August 1961?
Closed the border between East nd West Berlin
Constructed the Berlin wall to stop the exodud
How did Kennedy respons to the building of the Berlin wall?
Delivered his Ich bin ein Berliner speech in 1963 to defend freedom
The US inaction though implied a recognition of GDR
What was undertaken in 1957?
The Gaither Report
What was the Gaither report investigating?
Whether fall out shelters should be built
What were the findings of the Gaither report?
There was an increasing threat from the USSR or expansionist policies and they recommended that the US implement improvements on their millitary positions
Was the issue of Berlin a minor or major cause of tensions?
Trizonia was formed
A new currency was introduced
The Soviets blocked communication routes into Berlin
The West responded with airlifts such as Operation Vittles
Tensions in the Berlin foreign ministers meeting 1954 - disgreed over the reunification of Germany
Soviets proposed an all German govt withreps from E and W
Wets disagreed and said ll elections needed to be free
1961 more tensions when Kruschev demanded the US leave W Berlin
Berlin wall constructed
What was Trizonia?
The USSR was not included.
❖ In March 1948, France’s zone joined Bizonia to create ‘Trizonia’.
❖ The USSR left the Allied Control Commission, accusing the West of breaking the Potsdam agreements. They were angry the London Conference had taken place.
❖ In April 1948, Trizonia started to receive Marshall Aid and began to rebuild.