Alliances and shifts Flashcards
How did Eisenhower differ from Truman?
Eisenhower did not follow a policy of containment but one of alliances
What did Eisenhowers foreign policy rely on?
Nuclear weapons not troops
When was the Southeast Asia collective defence treaty?
Why did the Southeast Asia collective defence treaty come about?
Closer links between China and the USSr
Who was in the Southeast Asia collective defence treaty?
New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, France, Pakistan, Phillipines
Who was the Chancelor of the Federal Reublic of Germany in 1949?
Konrad Adenuer
What did Chancellor Denauer do to strengthen his country?
Joined the council of Erope in Nov 1949
What benefits did joining the council of Europe bring to The Fed Republic of Germany?
Representation on the Organisation offor European Economic Cooperation
Rights to establish consulates abroad
When did the Fed Republic of Germany win full sovereignity?
In the general treaty 1952. This was the Bonn Paris convention and put an end to the milltary occupation of Germany in 1955
What did Adenauer have to agree to in the Genreal treaty 1952 to avoid unsettling the French?
To cap the size of his army
renounce nuclear weapons
Why did America support the federal republic of Germany entering NATO?
It strengthened W Germany and meant they could check communist expansionism
When was the Warsaw pact?
How did USSR respond to the WEst’s decision to allow W Germany to rearm and join NATO?
They immediately recognised GDR (E Germany)
Created the Warsaw Pact
Who was in the Warsaw pact?
Czech, Hungary. USSR, Bulgaria, Poland, the GDR, Albania and Romania
What impact did the Warsaw pct have?
Consolidated the Soviet political and aconomic control over eastern europe
Provided collective security
When was NATO formed?
Who was in NATO?
Brit, France, Norway, USA
What was the purpose of NATO?
Collecive security
The NATO secretary general Lord Ismay said the goal was to keep Russians out, Americans in and Germans down
It reduced French and British fear over a strong West Germnay
The US gained millitary bases throughout Europe which air attacks against the Soviets could be launched
Allowed for the future millitary participation of West Germany in defending Europe
When was AnZUS formed?
Why was ANZUS formed?
Countries such as New Zealand, Australia sw the reconstruction of Japan as creating an economic rival and potential aggressor
What did the ANZUS pact allow?
THe USA got the USA to get Australia and New Zealand behind the reconstruction of Japan by allowing collective security
How was the ANZUS pact advantageous to the USA?
It guaranteed the help of Australia and New Zealand in the Pacific against communist aggression
In what years was there a period of crisis between the USA and USSR?
1948 - 1953
What events took place between 1948 and 1953 that led to crisis between the USSR and USA?
Berlin Blockade 1948
USSR developing the atomic bomb 1949
Loss of China to communism 1949
Korean war 1950 - 53
NSC-68 highlighted the threat of communism
Arms Race
How was Eisenhower’s New Look policy similar to Truman’s containment?
Cultivation of anti communist alliances
Stationing the US millitary around the globe
Financial aids to prop up anti communist govts e.g. Diems govt in S Vietnam
How was Eisenhower’s New Look policy different to Truman’s containment?
Eisenower relied heavily on nuclear weapons to reduce th cost of the cold war
Dulles was in favour of a massive retaliation - advocated nuclear weapons should there be acommunist attack
Dulles also advocated brinkmanship - the US would go to the brink of war without being scared
Eisenhower advocated the domino theory - if one country fell o communism they would all topple
What were the limitations of New Look?
It wasn’t as aggressive as it portrayed itself
It could not roll back communism in E Europe
The US could not exploit the rebellions in Germany (1953) or Hungary 1956
The policy respected the soverreignity of N Korea after 1953
Retaiation was not popular as people feared a nuclear holocaust as the US and the USSR had the hydrogen bomb by 1953
What was McCarthyism?
Senator Joe McCarthy claimed thet the State dept was infested with communists
What was the effect of McCarthyism?
It gave a sense of urgency to US foreign policy
Britain increased spending during a time of austerity
The aggression of the US towards N Korea jepardised global security guaranteed by NATO
Keen to stay an ally with the US Britain joined the Korea war
What were the reasons for the collapse of the grand alliance in 1945?
Problems over Poland
No long term plan for Germany
US atomic monopoly
Ideological divisions
US commitment to a postwar Liberal democracy
What are the key dates 1946 - 1948?
Feb 1946 Kennan sent his long telegram
March 1946 Churchill delivered the Iron Curtain speech
June 1946 the communist led democratic bloc won the Polish elections
October 1946 Communists won 75% of the vote in Bulgaria
November 1946 Communists won 80% of votes in Romania
March 1947 Truman announces his doctrine
Sept 1947 Cominform created
June 1948 Communists control Czech