KQ4: London/UK - social inequality within a country/city Flashcards
What are the reasons for growing inequality across the UK? (5)
- Unions have less ability to gain wage and condition improvements for members.
- Outsourcing of low paid work - firms are less able/inclined to ensure fair wages.
- Since 2010, govt. spending on welfare and tax credits restrained - govt. has less money so being more careful.
- Average weekly income for bottom 10% of households was £270 - so annually £14,000.
- For top 10% - £809 a week, so £46,400 annually.
What are some of the London and Newham averages? (4)
- 40% of children live in low income families, whereas 70% in Newham
- 68% of popn. (aged 16-74) is in employment, whereas 48% in Newham.
- Male life expectancy is 79 years, whereas 74 in Newham.
- Average working household income is £39,700, whereas £23,900 in Newham.
What did the 2012 olympics aim to do to help Newham? (5)
- Create cumulative causation - investment, new businesses, jobs, increased skills, higher pay etc.
- Improve health through increased local sports.
- Clean up polluted areas.
- Improve and increase housing.
- Regeneration, urban decline/decay, cycle of deprivation.
How have they improved area of Newham? Sugar House Lane? (3)
- IKEA bought land and launched a new residential development business in the UK.
- Potential for 15,000 homes, office blocks, and warehouses.
- Retain the ‘IKEA’ vision of modern, simple design.
How have they improved are of Newham? Other areas? (6)
- Westfield Stratford shopping centre - created 10,000 new permanent jobs in the area.
- ‘Green’ aspects: combined cooling and heating plant providing 75% of energy, drainage systems cutting residential water consumption by 30% and commercial consumption by 20%.
- Rejuvenating old Stratford - new walk ways, crossings, paving, lighting, planting, street furniture, housing and new transport systems.
- 2,800 new homes, with 1,400 of these affordable from the Athlete’s village.
- Variety of green spaces, pretty waterways making the area more attractive.
- Schools have improved local people have said.
In what ways has the 2012 olympics NOT reduced inequality in Newham? (2)
- iCITY media centre has been set up to extend tehcnology on the olympic park site. Project created 6,500 jobs all high skilled in science, technology, engineering and maths.
- Next to Westfield, ‘Manhattan Loft Gardens’ - a 42 storey tower with 248 flats and open-air sky gardens created. Aimed at investors and wealthy Londoners.
What is the average weekly income for bottom 10% of households?
What is the average weekly income for top 10% of households?
What are the London/Newham average percentage of children in low income families?
L - 40%
N- 70%
What are the London/Newham average percentage of popn. (aged 16-74) in employment?
L - 68%
N - 48%
What are the London/Newham average male life expectancy?
L - 79
N - 74
What are the London/Newham average working household incomes annually?
L - £39,700
N - £23,900
How many homes were created in Sugar House Lane?
How many homes were created in Athlete’s village? How many were affordable?
2,800 homes, 1,400 affordable
How many jobs did the iCITY media centre set up?
How many flats are in the Manhattan Loft Gardens?