Knowledge Flashcards
What is conceptual knowledge?
The knowledge that enables us to recognize objects and events. It also allows us to make inferences about their properties.
What is a concept?
A mental representation of a class or individual.
What is categorization?
The process by which things are placed in categorical groups.
Categorical groups enable us to understand individual cases not previously encountered. Without them, we’d be constantly mystified/helpless.
They are pointers to knowledge –> give us general information about the item; once it’s categorized, we can look at individual differences.
What are the theories answering how we categorize?
- Definitional approach
- Prototype approach
- The exemplar approach
Explain the definitional approach.
Says that we determine the category membership based on whether the object meets the category definition. It doesn’t work as not all category members meet the definition. Can’t explain why some category members are more typical than others.
What is family resemblance?
The idea inspired the prototype approach, which states that category members resemble one another in various (but not all) ways.
Explain the prototype approach.
States that there are typical members of the category that are the average representation of all category members. Prototypical objects are preferentially processed (typicallity effect).
Prototype approach –> no clear boundaries.
What did Rosch (1975) show in her study about typicallity?
She asked participants to rate things based on how typical they were. She found that highly typical members strongly resemble each other.
What did Smith et al (1974) show in their experiments on prototypical objects?
They verified that prototypical objects are verified faster. E.g., apple is verified faster than pomegranate.
Other experiments also showed that prototypical objects are named first when asked to list things in a category. E.g., sparrows named before penguins.
What is a priming effect? and what is the relationship between prototypical objects and priming effects?
Priming effect - when an initial stimulus affects how fast we process the second stimulus.
Prototypical objects show stronger priming effects in faster RT.
Explain the exemplar approach.
States that a concept is represented by multiple actual examples, not a single prototype. To categorize a new item, it’s compared to stored examples. It predicts many prototype theory effects.
What is an advantage of the prototype approach and what is an advantage of the exemplar approach?
Prototype - may be better for larger categories.
Exemplar - better at handling atypical cases and unusual categories. Also explains typicallity.
We might use both theories.
How are categories organized?
They are organized hierarchically from more specific to more general. There are at least 3 categories.
- Subordinate/ Specific
- Basic
- Superordinate/ Global
Which hierarchical category do we use the most?
Basic level because we gain a lot of information going from global to basic but not so much going from basic to specific.
There are a lot of individual differences. People with specialized interests transform their subordinate category into their basic category.
What are semantic networks?
A way of arranging concepts by meaning. Collins and Quillan propose hierarchical semantic networks.