Kirila Endo Repro Flashcards
Parathyroid disorders
45 yo male no complaints. Normal but calcium of 11 (normal 8-11) and phosphorus 1.6 (2.2-4.8). PMH negative,
Is albumin protein bound
Ionized non protein bound and active.
Next step?
Blood work to include renal function and parathyroid hormone
If PTH high what is diagnosis
Increase ca and decrease PO4
If ca is low, PO4 high
What is ca and PO4 move the same
Vitamin D issue
PTH low which is not a possible explanation
Malignant, multiple myeloma, VD intoxication, exercise induced, granulomatous disease
Vitamin d intoxication
Granulomatous-joint pain, lupus, RA
If PTH low
Malignancy, granulomatous disease, drugs, Mets, MM, lymphoma, vit d intoxication,
Do you work up further hypercal if pth is low
Keep doing work up
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Solitary nodules, parathyroid CA, MEN
Which of following is associated with rapid development of hypercalcemia
Pulmonary edema, dehydration, psychiatric issues, kidney stones, pneumonia
Hyperosmoal state
Rapid development
Polyuria, dehydration, renal impairment (not long term)
Slow development hypercalcemia
Stones, bone problems (if in serum not in bone), psychiatric issues,
Patients now presents to you with a depressed moos, was diagnosed with kidney stone last year and developed stress fractures after trying to jog regularly. How approach manage
Begin bisphosphoate as an outpatient
At time of stone-IV hydration
Bed rest restricted activity-more osteoclast activity-so never rest with bone strength issues
Treat chronic hypercalcemis
Increase fluids, monitor, labs periodically, if comorbidities meds
What med use if this patient got HTN with hypercalcemia
Loop diuretics-take out calcium
Excrete ca
Thiazides-resorb calcium
What are risk of increasing ca excretion
Stones, fluid shifting and volume depletion (meds)
Discuss with patient so have informed consent
84 yo female resides in a nursing home and requires help with activities of daily living (ADL)
Normal renal and hepatic function
Ca 7.5 (8-11) and phosphorus 1,5 (2.2-4.8)
Albumin 3.5 (3.5-5)
Vitamin D hypovitaminosis
What lab order now
1,25 oh VD
Who get VD defiency
Old shut ins
25 oh vit s
Converted in kidney
25 oh
Stored to convert
Free ionized calcium is metabolically active
What is not influenced by rote in binding
Ionized calcium-it is free not bound and active
How correct for low albumin
Ca=measured ca(mg/dL)+ .8 (4-serum albumin(g/dL)
7.6+.8(4-3.5)=8 corrected
Treat low calcium
Build storage as long as can make usable vd
Mile 8-8.4
Moderate<8, >7.5
Acute change-tumor
93 yo female is residing in a nursing home and requires help with ADL Cr-1.1 Ca 10.5 (8-11), PO4 1.5 Albumin 3 What is corrected ca
11.3 mg//dL
Actually hypercalcemia
82 yo woman ca 9.1 phos 2.5 albumin is 3 (3.5-4) what is serum calcium
And so the phosphate level would be normal too. But what would th concentration of ca in urine be
Patients need help doing everything and doesn’t move unless someone moves her
Increased osteoclast activity
Bone resorption ca increase in blood
PTH suppressed by of neg feedback from high ca in ecf and calcuria begins))
Kidneys as long as are able with maintain homeostasis
56 male renal insuffiency secondary to diabetic nephropathy. HTN BMI 41. BUN 34 (8-25) cr 2.3 (.6-1.5), albumin 3,4 (3.5-50 calcium 8.1, phos 5.3 Gfr 30 (100)
Why ca so low but PTH is up
Stage III-IV kidney fail
Kidneys are damaged enough so ca is not resorted and vd is not active
PTH high
Renal failure cant convert VD to active
Why is phos high when vd is low
Chronic kidney disease negatively impacts phosphate wasting
33 yo female presents with bl foot pain. Breast feeding her 4 month baby girl g3p1. Shin splints, mid back pain, thin and wearing wrk out clothes, bit fatigues which present for 8 months. But wore last four months , chapped lips, murmur , scoliosis , calcaneous pain plantar fasciitis ,
X ray long bone demineralized,
Not just old women can be anorexics , dietary restrictions, STEROID TREATMENT IN MEN
Usually older female but don’t discount
Osteophytes on calcaneal
MRI after scoliosis x ray
Wear shin bones see if anything metabolis or traumatic cased it
Of spin-wedge fracture,
What do
DEXA get
Wrist heels legs fingers-peripheral screening
For her do central test-lower spine and hip its more accurate DO IT HERE
Do low back and hip DEXA
How treat this woman
Social, physical, stretching, counseling
Ca carbonate (recommended
If on meds for stomach acidity give calcium citrate
78 yo right hilar mass on cxr. Squamous cell carcinoma of lung, albumin 2.5 ca 16, would you expect pth high low or normal
His ekg shoes shortened qt segment-initial treatment
Already in hospital, ca high ——iv hydration to allow kidney to get rid of it with increase perfusion. No thiazide maybe loop diuretics
May add bisphosphnate wont act as quickly
Acute situation
Hypercalcemia ekg
Short qt
Long qt low ca
Want to check 25 oh first
To see storage first want to know if its intact
Need to see stores
Not 1,25 oh VD - would probably check both
If peripheral DEXA bad from screening send to central screening
Ft3 and 4
Free unbound
Increase tsh decrease pt4
Primary hypothyroidism
Decrease tsh and increase ft4
Primary hyperthyroidism
25 yo female increased frequency ensues, cant sit still, hungry, no weight gain, throat is bigger and tight . What lab
First. Complete your history , ROS and PE
Then TSH FT4 and FT3
You notice she cant sit still what is number one differential
Secondary constipation due to GI obstruction -NO
Manic phase, viral thyroiditis, pituitary adenoma
Symptoms of hyperthyroid include what
Warm. Moist skin, increased HR, goiter, muscle weakness.
Which finding may not get better even with proper treatment
Ophthalmic hyperthyroidism
Lid lag, exophthalmos
Bruits hyperthyroid
Over thyroid enlargement
Other symptoms
HR up, rhythm quality, tremor, warm moist, gynecomastia, sweat, diarrhea, polyuria, weight loss, fatigue weak, oligomenorrhea, dry skin, heat intolerance, sweating, palpitations
Opposite with hypothyroidism
For Graves’ disease, which antibody test
TSI antibody
Diagnose graces
TSH-but not needed
Thyroid scan shoe uptake -but not needed TSI not needed
All need is clinical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Graces hot nodule
Only )) wild eterine if the actual uptake is increased as expected in graves scan
Iodine scan want
Treat graves
Bb will decrease symptomas as quickly as possible
PTU can be used in preg not methimazole
Alter dose every month
Extreme hyperthyroidism
Pretibial myxedema
47 year old male lump in throat noticeable when turn head or shaving ….fullness on right side . What test critical to workup is your go to
Also get ft4
Why tsh
Know if nodule is hyperfunctioning
If tsh low then what
Thyroid scan with iodine
Radioactive iodine ablation-graves
Thyroid scan
Nodule may be hot producing thyroid hormone
Something suppressing tsh
Normal TSH
Have to see what nodule is doing. Nodule may be cold
If scan unilaterally hot what is it
Graves-everything turn up
Hypothyroidism-nothing light up
Toxic multinodular goiter