Kingdom of Mali Flashcards
When was Mali formed
In 1235
What was Mali capital
What made Mali rich and how did the king make money
They became rich by being able to trade long distances using the Niger River and by mining salt, copper and gold and unfortunately slaves were traded. The Mansa made money by taxing gold and salt.
When was Mali at its strongest and was there any other stronger empire
It was strongest from the 14 - 16 century and the only empire that was bigger than it was the Msessssszzongol empire in Asia and Eastern Europe
What did Mali’s rulers give their people
a lot of political power
Who was Abubakari II and what did he do
He was a man who became mansa in CE 1310 an he went on an expedition to find out what was on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. He left with about 400 shipped but none of them or him returned to Mali after that Mansa Musa became king.
Who was the best known Mali king
Mansa Musa
When did the kingdom of Mali come to an end
It ended in the 1600 century
When did Mansa Musa rule
height of its power in CE 1312 - 1337
Meanings: pilgrimage,inherit and mosque
pilgrimage - a religious journey to a holy place
inherit - to receive a gift that is past down from older to younger
mosque - a building where Muslims pray
What did Mansa Musa do
He inherited Mali, extended its boundaries and added the towns Timbuktu and Goa to Mali, He encouraged people to grow cotton, beans, rice, and onions and to min gold. He allowed religious freedom and was known as”Musa the Magnificent”, we he left 300 guards went with him and people played music for and would sing “Hail Mansa Musa, King of Mali” for him on the road
Describe Mansa Musa’s Pilgrimage
He left in 1324 with 60 000 officials, soldiers, merchants, servants and slaves. His 80 camels carried gifts and 200 kg of gold. His wife had 500 slave for herself and Munsa Musa has 14 000 slave girls for his own use. He paid for mosques to be build were ever he stopped on Fridays. He gave away so much gold the gold value dropped in Egypt. He gave gold dust to the poor. His 3 000 mile journey took a year he visited Cairo and Medina in Arabia. On his return he had to borrow money. Egyptian traders were impressed and they went to Mali to trade. Mansa Musa brought back Muslim teachers, architects and Arab scholars. IN 1339 Mali appeared on the Map of the World and in 1375 a Spanish map of the world showed Mansa Musa wearing a gold crown and holding gold in his hand in the southern Sahara Desert. His pilgrimage attracted the attention of Europe and the Islamic World
Meaning: minaret
a spire or steeple on mosque
What happened in Mali in 1327
Al-Sahil designed a palace and a mosque. He got paid 200 kg of gold.
How were the large bricks made for the mosque
They were made from limestone, sand, clay, water, straw, sticks and manure and left to dry
Where there pole sticking out of the mud struckture
It made it stronger and it could be used to climb on for repairs
Name a few properties that the Great Mosque has
It has 3 minarets (towers), it can hold 2 000 Muslims facing towards Mecca, and it was cool in side even on hot days
What is one of the most famous landmarks in Africa that is the largest structure to be made out of mud
The Great Mosque in Djenne that was build in 1907
When were the 2 Great Mosques declared UNESCO world heritage site