Kingdom Of God Flashcards
5.1 - Pilgrimage and stations of the cross
- A pilgramage is a journey of spiritual purpose, where the destination may be a sacred religious place
- Catholics believe that life is a pilgrimage - a journey to meet God at death
- When catholics pray before the stations of the cross, they accompany Jesus on his final journey with a type of dramatised prayer
- Some catholics make a pilgrimage to jerusalem where they may do the station of the cross on the via derolsa, the street jesus carried his cross
5.2 - Pilgramage to sacred places
- Popular pilgramage sites for catholics include jerusalem (where jesus died), Rome (where the pope lives), lourdes (a place with healing waters) and walsimgham (National catholic shrine).
- Catholics might go on pilgrimage to these places to renew there commitment to the Church and God and heal themselves
5.3 - Mission and evangilism
- Catholics attidtudes towards mission and evangilism - including what these should involve - are demonstrated in the films les miserables and the mission
- Films such as these can inspire and encourage Christians to become more involved in missionary work and evangilism
5.4 - The Kingdom of God and the Lord’s prayer
- The kingdom of God refers mot to a place but an idea of God’s authority and rule, and is seen among those who follow jesus
- The Kingdom of God was estabilised through Jesus. It continues to grow in the present day, and will be completed at the end of time
- The lord’s prayer is the prayer jesus tought to his diciples. It gives an idea for what is required for gods kingdom to grow
5.5 - Signs of Kingdom: justice peace and reconsiliation
- Justice, peace and reconsiliation are signs of kingdom of god. The Kingdom of God is the perfect Kingdom and requires these 3 things
- Christians can help to grow the kingdom of god to grow on earth by contributing to justice, peace and reconsiliation, both in there own lives and others lives.
5.6 - The hierachy of thr Catholic Church and the second vatican council
- There is a hierachy in the Catholic church that recognises peoples authority and responsibility and brings about unity
- The second vatican council was a series of meetings held by the pope and bishops between 1952 to 1965. It produced a series of documents that reflected a more modern approach to the church and the world
5.7 - The importance of ary and thr magnificat
- The magnificat is a prayer that mary said after she became pregnant with jesus and visited her cousin elizabeth
- Catholics believe mary is the perfect diciple and some of her qualities which contribute to this are shown in the magnificat
- The magnificat is seen is seen as a controversal Kingdom prayer, as some people think it could inspire the poor nd weak to rise up against goverments as a means of spreading the Kimgdom of God on earth.
5.8 - The four marks of the church and apostolic succession
- The four marks of the church are one, holy, catholic and apostiolic. These are important characteristics that define the nature of the Catholic Church
- Apostolic succession is the idea that the pope and bishops are successors to the twelve apostes. This ives the pope and bishops the authority to shape and confirm the chrchs teachings.
5.9 - Tge conciliar and pontifical nathre of the church
- The curch is coniliar because it makes important decisions through Councils
- The church is alos pontifical because the Pope has the highest authority
- The curch teaches that the weakest and poorest members of society should be supported and that economic exploitation should end, to help create a more equal society
5.10 - The Curch as the Body of Christ: the importance of charity for catholics
- As members of the Body of Christ jesus commands us to ‘ love your neighbour as yourself’, Christian work through local, national global charities follow this teaching
- SVP is an example of a Catholic charity working locally, by providing friendship and practical help to people in the local area
- CAFOD is an example nationally
5.11 Kingdom values in Christians vocations
- Kingdom values are the values that God wants people to have as members of his Church
- A vocation is a call from God to take on a certain role in life
- Through the Christian vocations of priesthood, family life and religous life, people embrace kingdom values such as serving others and showing love.
5.12 - Kingdom values in the life of a Catholic
- Pope Francis is an example of a well known catholic who libes by the kingdom values of justice, peace and reconcilliation
- He shows his belief in justice by trying to end inequallity and poverty
- He shows beleif in peace and reconcilliation by helping to restore relationships between nations or people that are in conflict with one another