King School PAR Flashcards
true heading 135 results ground track 130 and true airspeed 135 knots results in a groundspeed of 140 knots wind would be from
246 and 13 knots
if a flight is made from an area of high pressure into an area of lower pressure without an altimeter setting adjusted the altimeter will indicate
higher than the actual altitude above sea level
VOR tuned to Jamestown aircraft over coopers town which vor is correct 26/28
allendale to claxton wind 100 @18 knots TAS 115 knots w/2min climb out
OAT at given altitude is warmer than standard DA is
Higher than PA
max structural cruising speed
during an approach to stall an increased load factor will cause the airplane to
stall at a higher speed
what clouds have the greatest turbulence
in flying a rectangular course when would an aircraft turn less than 90 degrees
1 and 4
which is true concerning the blue and magenta colors used to depict airports on sectional aeronautical charts
airports with control towers underlying class B, C, D and E airspace are shown in blue
where may an aircrafts operating limitations be found if the aircraft has an experimental or special light-sport airworthiness certificate
Attached to the airworthiness certificate
addison to dallas
8 minutes
what is the max cruising speed
class G to 1,200
class E 1200 to 1800
prior to entering and airport advisory area a pilot should
contact the local FSS for airport and traffic advisories
yellow demarcation
runway with a displaced threashold that procedes a runway
how are significant weather prognostic charts best used by a pilot
for determining areas to avoid (freezing levels and turbulence)
which is true about the comprehensive medical exam (CME)
A pilot operating under basic med must keep a copy of the signed CME checklist in their logbook
VOR majors to quitman
stable air mass is most likely to have which characteristics
smooth air
radar weather reports are special interest to pilots because they indicate
location of precipitation along with type, intensity, and cell movement of precipitation
a basic rule to remember when using the calculator side of the flight computer is
how fast goes first
first flight to hampton
steady precipitation preceding a front is an indication of
stratiform clouds with little or no turbulence
power off stall speed in specific configuration
lower limit green arc
in training airplanes designed so that wing stall begins
at wing root outward to the wing tip
power off stall speed with flaps and landing gear in landing configuration
lower limit of the white arc
advantage of an attitude indicator that is displayed digitally
horizontal line extends all the way to the edge of the PFD
which initail action should a pilot take prior to entering class C airspace
Contact approach control on the appropriate frequency
IR 644
IFR above 1,500 and excess 250 knotts
it is the responsibility of the pilot and crew to report near mid air collisions as a result of proximity of at least
500 feet or less
when would a pilot experience somatogravic illusion
necessary for the formation of cumulonimbus clouds are lifting action and
unstable moist air
magnetic course
course referred to as magnetic north
high humidity
decreases performance
which combination of atmospheric conditions will reduce aircraft takeoff and climb performance
high temp, high humidity, high density altitude
priest to shoshone
31 minutes
which condition would cause the altimeter to indicate a lower altitude than true altitude
air temp warmer than standard
air traffic control is what subject number?
the “taxiway ending marker”
indicates taxiway does not continue
what measurement can be used to determine the stability of the atmosphere
actual lapse rate
which following incident with a turbine aircraft requires immediate NTSB notification?
compressor blade failure that penetrates the cowling but does not impact any other part of the aircraft
the calculator side of the flight computer, distance in miles is always found on which side
mag heading sandpoint to maries
if the outside air temp at a given altitude is warmer than standard the density altitude is
higher than pressure altitude
the definition of nighttime is
the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight
during an approach to stall an increased load factor will cause the airplane to
stall at a higher airspeed
less stable, more fuel efficient, lower stall speed, bad stall recovery
Forward CG
more stable, less fuel efficiant, high stall speed (higher AOA), good stall recovery
The wind condition that requires maximum caution when avoiding wake turbulence on landing is a
light, quartering tailwind. A tailwind condition can move the vortices of a preceding aircraft forward into the touchdown zone.
A certificated private pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft towing a glider unless there is entered in the pilot’s logbook a minimum of
100 hours of pilot-in-command time in the aircraft category, class, and type, if required, that the pilot is using to tow a glider.
To best determine general forecast weather conditions covering a flight information region, the pilot should refer to
Graphical Forecasts for Aviation (GFA).