King Air 350 Flashcards
Engine failure
• disengage the autopilot • follow engine failure procedure • retrim • re-engage autopilot Dis-engage autopilot for large power or airspeed variations
GPU amps
1000 momentary
300 continuous
Engine fire or failure in flight
- Condition lever…. Fuel cutoff
- Prop lever…. Feather
- Firewall fuel valve….Close
- Fire extinguisher….Actuate if warning persists
Engine fire on the ground
- Condition lever…Fuel cutoff
- Firewall fuel valve….Close
- Starter switch….Starter only
- Fire extinguisher…Actuate if warning persists
Emer engine shutdown on the ground
- Condition lever…Fuel cutoff
- Prop lever…Feather
- Firewall fuel valve…Close
- Battery/Generators…Gang bar off
- Battery bus…emer off
Engine failure during takeoff at or below V1 - abort takeoff
- Power levers…ground fine
* Brakes….maximum
Engine failure during takeoff at it above V1 - take off continued
- Vr speed….Rotate to approx 10 degrees pitch
- Landing gear…up with a positive rate
- Airspeed…V2 until 400’ AGL
- Propeller….verify feathered with gauge
Engine failure in flight below Vmca
- Power…reduce as needed to maintain control
* Nose…Lower to accelerate above Vmca
Electrical smoke or fire
- O2 masks….Don
- Mask selector switch…Emer position
- Headset…Put back on or audio panel to speaker
- Mic switches….O2 masks
Environmental system smoke or fumes
- O2 masks…Don
- Mask selector switch…Emer position
- Headset…put back on or audio panel to speaker
- Mic switches….O2 masks
Airstair/cargo door unlocked
• All occupants…seated with seat belts secure
Emergency descent
- Power levers….Idle
- Prop levers….Full forward
- Flaps (202 KIAS max)….Approach
- Landing gear (184 KIAS max)…Down
- Airspeed….184 KIAS max
- Landing gear…Up
- Flaps….UP
- Prop levers….Feathered
- Airspeed….135 KIAS
Single inverter failure
- AC bus circuit breakers…Check
- If breaker is tripped….Reset
- If cb not tripped..Select bus transfer for failed inverter
Dual inverter failure
- Attitude/heading…use backup instruments
* AC bus circuit breakers…Reset if tripped
Dual generator failure
- instrument emer lights…on if needed
- Generators….Reset then on
- if either generator resets…monitor
- if neither resets…non-essential equipment off
Unscheduled electric pitch trim activation
- Airplane attitude…maintain with elevator control
* AP/trim disconnect…depress fully
Unscheduled rudder boost activation
- AP/trim disconnect…Depress to first level
- Rudder boost switch…Off
- If condition persists…pull rudder boost CB
Use of O2
- Crew:
- O2 masks…Don
- Headset…put back on or audio panel to speaker
- Mic switches…O2 masks
Loss of pressurization
- O2 masks…Don
- Headset…Put back on or audio panel to speaker
- Mic switches….O2 masks
- Passenger manual drop-out…Pull on
- Altitude…Descend as required
High differential pressure
- Bleed air valves…Environmental off
- O2 crew and pax…As required
- Altitude…descend as required to lower differential pressure
Auto- deployment oxygen system failure
- Cabin Alt Hi annunciator illuminated with the Pas Oxy On annunciator extinguished:
- Passenger manual drop-out….Pull on
Bleed air failure
• Bleed air valve affected side..Pneu & Envir off
- Control column..Full forward/ailerons neutral
- Rudder…Full opposite spin direction
- Power levers…Idle
- Rudder….Neutral when rotation stops
- Elevator…smooth pull out from dive
Enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS): verbal warning of “Terrain” or “Pull up”
- Wings….Level
- Power…max allowable
- Pitch….20 - 25 degrees up till slowed to 125 KIAS
- Airspeed…Maintain 125 KIAS
- Gear and flaps…Up
184 KIAS
Flaps approach speed
202 KIAS
Full flaps/Vfe
158 KIAS
Vlo (down)
184 KIAS
Vlo (Up)
166 KIAS
184 KIAS
Vmca (flaps up)
Vmca (flaps approach)
Vmo ( sea level to 21,000)
263 KIAS
Mmo (FL210 - FL350)
0.58 Mach
Power lever limitations
Do not lift in flight ( moving them up over the flight gate into ground can cause a massive slow down and loss of aircraft control)
Engine torque limitations
Take off: 100%
Max continuous: 100%
Transient: 156% for 20 seconds
Max ITT limitations
- Starting: 1000 degrees for 5 seconds
- Idle: 750 degrees
- Takeoff: 820 degrees
- Max continuous: 820 degrees
- Transient: 850 degrees for 20 seconds
% N1 limitations
- Minimum idle: 62%
- Takeoff: 104%
- Max continuous: 104%
- Transient: 104%
Prop limitations
- Take off: 1700 RPM
- Max continuous: 1700 RPM
- Transient: 1870 RPM for 20 sec
- Reverse: 1650 RPM
- Min Idle: 1050 RPM
- Sustained at 1768 RPM: primary governor is failed; limit torque to 96%
- RPM more than 1768: primary and overspeed governors failed
Auto-feather limitations
• Must be on for takeoff/climb/approach/landing
Prop de-ice amps
26 - 32 amps is the green arc
Oil pressure limitations
- Starting: 0 - 200 PSI
- Takeoff: 90 - 135 PSI
- Max continuous: 90 - 135 PSI
- Transient: 200 PSI
Oil temperature limitations
- Starting: -40 degrees
- Takeoff: 0 - 110 degrees
- Max continuous: 0 - 110 degrees
- Transient: 0 - 110 degrees
- Temps between 99 - 110 are limited to 10 minutes
External power use limitations
- Voltage: 28 - 28.4
- Amps: 1000 momentary, 300 continuous
- Battery should be on before turning on external power switch.
- Never turn external power switch on when a generator is on line.
- Battery must have 20 amps min to use external power.
Generator limitations
- Sea level to FL340: 100%
- Above FL340: 95%
- 62 - 70% N1: 75%
- 70 - 100% N1: 100%
- Increase N1 if using A/C on the ground.
Starter limitations
30 seconds on, 5 minutes off, 30 seconds on, 5 minutes off, 30 seconds on, 30 minutes off
Approved normal fuel
• Jet A, Jet A1, Jet B, JP 4, JP 5, JP 8
Emergency fuel limitations (Avgas)
- 150 hours max between engine overhauls
- Not allowed if either standby pumps is inop.
- Crossfeed capability is required above FL 200
Fuel Capacity
- Each main tank: 190 gallons/1273 pounds
- Each aux tank: 79.5 gallons/533 pounds
- Total: 539 gallons/3611 pounds
Fuel management
- Max allowable imbalance: 300#
- Crossfeeding is only allowed when one engine is inop.
- Takeoff prohibited if the main tank gauges are in the yellow arc (less than 265#)
- Operation with low fuel pressure is limited to 10 hours between overhauls.
Cabin differential gauge
- Green arc: 0 - 6.6 psi
* Red arc: 6.6 - end of scale
Pneumatic pressure gauge
- Green arc: 12 - 20 psi
* Red line: 20 psi
Vacuum gauge markings
- Narrow green arc (15K - FL350): 2.8 - 4.3 inches Hg
- Wide green arc (sea level - 15K): 4.3 - 5.9 inches Hg
- 35K mark: 3.0 inches Hg
- 15K mark: 4.3 inches Hg
Max ramp weight
15,100 pounds
Max takeoff weight
15,000 pounds
Max landing weight
15,000 pounds
Max zero fuel weight
12,500 pounds
Max baggage area weight
550 pounds
N344L operational weight
10,005 pounds
N344L empty weight
9,465 pounds
G limitations
- Flaps up: -1.24 - +3.1
* Flaps down: 0.0 - +2.0
Altitude limitations
- Max….FL 350
- Yaw damp inop….FL 190
- One standby pump inop…use of avgas prohibited
- Cross feed inop…FL 200 with avgas
Max operating temperatures
- Sea level to FL 250: ISA +37C
* Above FL 250: ISA +31c
Rudder boost limitations
• Must be operational for all flights.
Landing gear cycle limitations
• 1 up and down cycle every 5 minutes for a total of 6 cycles then a 15 minute cool down period.
Icing limitations
- Min temp for deice boot operation: -40C
* Min airspeed in sustained icing conditions: 140 KIAS
Aft facing seat limitations
• Aft facing seats must be upright and the head rest fully extended for takeoff and landing.
Autopilot limitations
- Max speed: Vmo/Mmo
- Min altitude in cruise: 1000 feet agl
- Min altitude on approach: 200 feet agl
- Use prohibited during takeoff and landing.
- One pilot must be at the controls with seat belt fastened during autopilot operations.
- Autopilot preflight checks must be satisfactory before each flight autopilot will be used on.
Yaw damp limitations
- Must be off for takeoff and landing.
* Must be operational for flights above FL190.
EFIS limitations
- The pilot EADI and EHSI must be operational in normal mode for takeoff.
- Auxiliary drive may be used if the primary drive as failed.
- The composite mode is to be used only after the failure of an EADI or EHSI.
- The airspeed readout on the EADI is not to be used as the primary airspeed reference.