Cessna 414/A Flashcards
N2734B–Max Ramp Weight?
N5293J–Max Ramp Weight?
N5293J–Max Takeoff Weight?
N2734B–Max Takeoff Weight?
N5293J–Max Landing Weight?
N2734B–Max Landing Weight
N5293J–Max Zero Fuel Weight?
N2734B–Max Zero Fuel Weight?
N5293J–Empty Weight?
N2734B–Empty Weight?
N5293J–Useful Load?
N2734B–Useful Load?
Fuel Quantity?
213- Total
206- Useable
Oil Quantity?
26 quarts total…12 per engine +1 in each filter
Oil requirements for flight?
9 quarts minimum
12 quarts for flights over 3 hours
N5293J–Engine Horsepower?
310 each side
N2734B–Engine Horsepower?
335 each side
Engine critical altitude?
20,000ft (due to turbocharger)
Max Wing Locker baggage weight?
200lbs per locker (2 total)
Max Aft Baggage?
Max Aft Baggage rear bay?
Vso ?
Vs ?
Vmc ?
Vx ?
Vx/Vxse ?
Vy/Vyse ?
108 KIAS
Max X-wind?
No Flap landing?
107 KIAS
177 KIAS
Vfe ?
(15°) 177 KIAS
(45°) 146 KIAS
Vno ?
203 KIAS
Vne ?
237 KIAS
N2734B max speed with visible ice?
185 KIAS
Engine failure during takeoff below Vmca?
- Throttles…close
- Maintain directional control
- Brakes……as required
Fire on the ground
- Throttles…close
- Brakes…as required
- Mixture…idle cut off
- Battery…off (use gang bar)
- Magnetos…off (use gang bar)
- Evacuate as soon as possible
Engine Failure after Takeoff (98 KIAS gear up)
- Mixture…Full Rich
- Propellers…Full Forward
- Throttles…Full Forward (38.0 inches)
- Landing Gear…Check up
- Inop Engine…Throttle closed…propeller feather…mixture idle cutoff
- Bank…5° toward good engine
- Climb…98 or 108 depending on obstacles
- Trim Tabs…5° bank with 1/2 ball on TC
- Cowl Flap…close on Inop engine.
- Secure Inop engine…fuel off…mags off…alt off…land as soon as practical.
Engine fail during flight (below Vmca)
- Rudder…apply
- Power…reduce to stop turn
- Pitch attitude…lower nose to accelerate above Vmca
- Inop engine prop…feather
- Op engine…increase power as speed increases
- Inop engine…secure
- Trim…adjust 5° bank to good engine
- Op engine cowl flap…adjust as required.
Engine failure in flight (above Vmca)
- Inop engine…determine
- Operative Engine-Adjust as required.
- Before securing inoperative engine…
- Fuel flow-check…if deficient, aux fuel pump to high.
- Fuel selectors–main tanks.
- Fuel Quantity–check.
- Oil pressure and Oil Temp–check.
- Magneto switch–check ON.
- Mixture–Adjust. Lean until manifold pressure begins to increase, then enrichen as power increases.
- If engine does not restart, then proceed with engine feather and securing.
Engine Inoperative Go-Around
- Throttle–full forward (38.0 in Hg.)
- Wing Flaps–up
- Positive rate of climb–establish
- Landing gear–up.
- Cowl Flaps–open.
- Climb at Vx or Vy depending on obstacles.
Both Engines Failure during cruise flight
- Wing Flaps–up
- Landing Gear–up
- Propellers–feather
- Airspeed–120 KIAS
In Flight Wing or Engine Fire
- Both Aux fuel pumps–off
- Operative engine fuel selector–main tank (Feel for detent)
- Emergency cross-feed shutoff–off (pull up)
- Appropriate engine–feather and secure.
Inflight Cabin Electrical Fire or Smoke.
- Electrical load–reduce
- Fuel selectors–main tanks (feel for detent)
- Emergency cross-feed shutoff valve–off (pull up)
- Attempt to isolate the source of the fire or smoke.
- Cabin Air Controls–OPEN all vents including windshield defrost…CLOSE if intensity of the smoke increases.
- Pressurization Air contamination procedure–initiate if required.
- Land and evacuate as soon as practical.
Emergency Descent Procedure (Smooth Air)
- Throttles–idle
- Propellers–full forward
- Mixture–Adjust for smooth engine operation
- Wing Flaps–up
- Landing gear–up
- Moderate bank–initiate
- Airspeed–235 KIAS (Vne)
Emergency Descent Procedure (Turbulent Air)
- Throttles–idle
- Propellers–full forward
- Mixture–adjust for smooth engine operation
- Wing Flaps–down 45°
- Landing gear–down
- Moderate Bank–initiate
- Airspeed–not to exceed 146 KIAS.
Air Inlet or Filter Icing
- Alternate Air Controls–pull out
- Propellers–increase (2550 RPM for normal cruise)
- Mixture–lean as required.
Cabin Overpressure (over 5.3 PSI)
- Pressurization Air controls–pull
- If above 10,000–pull emergency oxygen knob, assure each occupant is using oxygen, and descend as soon as practical below 10,000 feet.
Loss of Pressurization above 10,000 feet
- Without supplementary oxygen–Emergency descent to 10,000 feet
- With supplementary oxygen–pull emergency oxygen knob, assure each occupant is using oxygen, and descend as soon as practical below 10,000 feet
Pressurization Air contamination
- Pressurization air controls–pull LH and/or RH as necessary
* Proceed with loss of pressurization checklist.
•Throttles–close immediately
•Rudder–Hold full rudder opposite the direction of rotation.
•Control wheel–Forward Briskly, 1/2 turn of spin after applying full rudder.
•Inboard engine–Increase power to slow rotation. (If necessary)
After Rotation has stopped:
•Inboard engine–decrease power (if used) to equalize engines.
•Control wheel–pull to recover from resultant dive. Apply smooth steady control pressure.