Kinds of Parasites Flashcards
Associated only with one species of host, or closely related hosts
Host/species specificity
Each parasite species has its predilection site or on the host
Organ specificity
Parasite that briefly visit their host to obtain nourishment but not dependent on them
Optional Occasional/Periodic Parasite
Do not permanently live upon their host but are dependent upon them for nourishment
Obligate Occasional Parasite
Parasitism is limited to stage/s in their life cycle
Determinate transitory
Parasitism extends from the time of hatching of the egg to the time that the eggs are produced by the adult
Permanent parasite
Cannot pass spontaneously from one host to the other e.g HELMINTHS
Fixed Parasite
Wander from its usual site
Erratic and abberant Parasite
highly specific parasite that affects man e.g Enterobius vermicularis
equally specific parasites that affects man and animals e.g Trichinella spiralis
man is essential for the life cycle e.g Taenia in man
man is just accidentally involved
external parasites; INFESTATION
infection internal parasites: INFECTION
Require a single host specie to complete the life cycle e.g Trichuris vulpis
Monoxenous/homoxenous Parasite
it requires 2 or more host species to complete the life cycle
Heteroxenous Parasite
Affects broad range of final hosts
Euryxenous Parasite
Affects narrow range of final hosts
Stenoxenous Parasite
harbors sexual, mature, or adult stage. e.g WHIPWORMS
Final or definitive host
harbors asexual, immature, or larval stage e.g Dioctophyma renale
Intermediate host
carriers; final host that harbors the infection but show no sign of infection
Reservoir or Alternate hosts
unnatural host in which parasites are accidentally lodged and transmission is through ingestion of paratenic host
Transport or paratenic host
Free living in nature can become parasitic in certain host
Facultative Parasite
it must lead a parasitic existence
Obligatory Parasite
mistaken to be parasite
2 incidental/accidental parasite
✓ prepatent period
✓ patent period
from infection until egg is demonstrated
prepatent period
from egg production by adults until it ceases
patent period
are insects in which only the immature stages are parasitic.
protelean parasites
Example of Optional occasional parasites
✓ mosquitoes
✓ sandflies
Example of Obligate Occasional Parasite
fleas and ticks
example of determinate transitory parasite
bot flies, warble flies
Example of Permanent Parasites
lice and mange mites
Example of Fixed Parasites
✓Ascaris suis (in the fallopian tube or bile ducts of the pigs)
✓Stephanurus dentatus (in the lungs)
Example of Protelean Parasite
Example of Monoxenous parasites
✓ Ascaridia in chickens
✓ Trichuris vulpis in dogs
example of heteroxenous parasites
✓ plasmodium (the cause of malaria)
✓ Fasciola gigantica (liverfluke)
✓ Paragonimus westermanii (lungfluke)
Plasmodium (the cause of malaria)
Mosquito- final host, primary host
Man- intermediate host; secondary host
Fasciola gigantica (liverfluke)
Final host- Carabao, cattle, goat
Intermediate host- snails
Paragonimus westermanii (lungfluke)
Final host- man
First intermediate host- snails
Second IH- Crabs
Example of Ectoparasites or external parasites
ticks, lice and mites
Example of endoparasites or internal parasites
roundworms, plasmodia, coccidia
example of facultative parasites
larvae of blowflies and fleshlies
example of pseudoparasites
pollen grains, fungal spores, yeast cells, plant, spines
example of reservoir host
trypanosoma evansi in carabao
example of paratenic host
Toxocara canis eggs of dogs
example of transport host
ascaris eggs, amoeba cysts, Eimeria oocyts by flies and beetles