CLASS INSECTA- Cockroaches (Blattaria) Flashcards
Order Blattaria
Order Phthiraptera
Order Hemiptera
True bugs: bedbugs, kissing bugs, assassin bugs
Order Coleoptera
Order Siphonaptera
Order Diptera
Flies: mosquitoes, black flies, horse flies, deer flies, sand flies, tsetse flies, house flies, stable flies, horn flies, bot flies, blow flies, flesh flies, louse flies, keds, etc.
Order Lepidoptera
Moths and butterflies
Order Hymenoptera
Wasps, hornets, velvet ants, ants, bees
class insecta
✓ Order Blattaria
✓ Order Phthiraptera
✓ Order Hemiptera
✓ Order Coleoptera
✓ Order Siphonaptera
✓ Order Diptera
✓ Order Lepidoptera
✓ Order Hymenoptera
class arachnida
✓ Order Scorpionida
✓ Order Solpugida
✓ Order Acari
✓ Order Araneae
Order Solpugida
Solpugids, sun spiders, camel spiders, barrel spiders
Order Acari
Mites, ticks
Order Araneae
Class Insecta
- the oldest and most primitive of insects/paurometabolous
- omnivorous feeding behaviour
- unspecialized chewing mouthpart
- indication of poor sanitation or sub standard housekeeping
- serve as intermediate host of debilitated diseases in domestic animals (fungi/protozoa)
Cockroaches (Blattaria)
5 cockroach species
✓ Blattidae
✓ Blatellidae
✓ Blaberidae
✓ Cryptocercidae
✓ Polyphagidae
- Supella sp. (less than 25mm)
- Blatella sp.
- Periplaneta sp. (35-40mm)
- Parcoblatta sp.
- Commonest cockroach in mosy countries
- Light brown
- Two longitudinal dark stripes (thorax and wings)
“Croton bug” Blatella (Ectobia) germanica
- almost black about 25mm
- wings
Male (does not quite reach the tip of the abdomen)
Female (vestigial)
Blatta orientalis
most common indicator of cockroach infestation is their egg cases called?
oothecae (singular ootheca)
Mouth parts of Cockroaches (Blattaria)
-strong toothed mandibles for biting and chewing (nymphs/adults)
-maxillary/labial palps are well developed
✓ 5 maxillary
✓ 3 labial
chewing lice
suborder mallopahga
sucking lice
suborder anoplura
only anterior pair of wings are wall developed
Dipterous insects
Sub-orders of Veterinary Importance under order Diptera
- Nematocera
- Brachycera
- Cyclorrharpha
present in young fly which is use for emerging from the puparium
ptilinal sac
Families of cyclorrhpa
Gasterophilidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Oestridae, Glossinadae, Hippoboscidae
These are the mosquitoes (5.7 mm in size). They are slender insects and most abundant in the tropica.
Family Culicidae
Mosquitoes and their feeding habits
anopheles, calex, aedes
nocturnal, active at night time or in the dark
diurnal, active at daytime
crepuscular, active in the twilight time
Filarial Parasites
✓ Wuchereria bancrofti
✓ Culex spp.
✓ Aedes spp.
✓ Anopheles spp.
✓ Dirofilaria immitis
are use to help control mosquitoes
designed to be applied directly toward to control mosquito larvae
are used in fogging and spraying to control adult mosquitoes.
not toxic to the mosquitoes themselves, but they make adulticides more effective
Piperonyl butoxide
metroprene, bacillus
Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids
Piperonyl Butoxide
Cockroaches (Blattaria) Morphology
✓ 3 pair of legs are well developed
✓ with larger coxae and slender
✓ long segments
✓ femur
✓ Tibiae are heavily spined defense against predator
✓ Tarsus
- 5 segments with pair of claws
- arolium
- pulvili are present on tarsomeres 1-4
- caudal cerci have small hairs, sensitive for vibrations caused by slow frequency sound and air movements, initiate “escape response”
Morphology of mouthparts of Cockroach (blattaria)
- characterized by strong toothed mandibles for biting and chewing
- maxillary/labial palps are well developed (5 maxillary and 3 labial)
Antennae Morphology of Cockroach (Blattaria)
- Long and whiplike
- located below the middle compund eyes, consist of numerous small segments
- 3 ocelli near the antennal socket is variable
3 ocelli near the antennal socket is variable
✓ macropterous (well developed in winged species)
✓ brachypterous (lacking in species with reduced wings
✓ apterous (lacking wings altogether)
Cockroaches (Blattaria) Morphology Wings
*Adults (2 pairs of wings)
✓ Front wings (Tegmina)
- Hardened and translucent
- Well-defined veins
✓ Hind wings
- Membranous and larger