Khrushchev - Politics 1953-1964 Flashcards
Who was the power struggle against?
Beria, Khursushchev, Molotov and Malenkov
When was it announced Malenkov would combine Party Secretary and Chairman of the council of Ministers?
March 1953
When was Beria’s arrest?
June 1953
When was Beria executed?
December 1953
When was Malenkov forced to step down?
Feb 1955
When was the 20th Party Congress?
Feb 1956
What Stalinist policies had been reversed by 1956?
- accused of Docotor’s plot were released
- gulag system attacked
What was Khrushchev’s secret speech called?
‘On the cult of personality and its consequences’
How many witnessed this speech?
1400 delegates
What is ‘democratisation’?
Weakening the traditional bureaucracy to give more responsibility to the people
What is ‘decentralisation’?
Giving greater power to localities
When did Khrushchev succeed in establishing himself at the top?
Feb 1955
When did the hardliners try to oust Khrushchev?
June 1957
Who were the hardliners / ‘Anti-Party Group’?
Malenkov, Molotov and Kaganovich
How did Khrushchev defeat his oust?
Stated that the right to dismiss him lay in the Central Committee
What was Molotov demoted to?
Ambassador to Mongolia
What was Malenkov demoted to?
Director of a hydro-electric power station in Kazakhstan
What was Kaganovich demoted to?
Director of Sverdlovsk cement work
What was the ‘rehabilitation’?
Prisoner declared not guilty
How many were rehabilitated within a few months?
8-9 million
When and how was Khrushchev summoned to Moscow for an ‘unscheduled’ Presidium meeting?
October 1964, by phonecall
How did Khrushchev react?
‘I’ve got what I deserved’
Who was it agreed to become the new Party First Secretary in 1954?