Keywords I Flashcards
The occupation, industry, or season of taking fish or other sea animals
Commercial Extinction
Where a species’ population is so depleted that it’s no longer profitable to harvest
Filter Feeders
Feeding by filtering out plankton or nutrients suspended in the water
Temperate Rainforest
A forest in a temperate climate with ample annual rainfall
Bureau of Land Management
Nature Reserves
Areas set aside for the purpose of preserving certain species
Prescribed Burning
A form of land management in which controlled fire is intentionally applied to plantlife
Habitat Fragmentation
The process where a large habitat is transformed into many smaller habitats
marine mammals
marine stewardship council; global nonprofit that works to end over fishing
large amount of land covered with a dense forest
managed resource protected areas
the us endangered species act
an act passed in 1973 which provides a framework for conserving endangered species and their habitats (domestic and abroad)
biodiversity hotspots
areas that are extremely rich in biodiversity but are high risk of destruction
surface fires
fires that burn on the loose debris of the surface
community based conservation
the efforts of the community to protect and conserve the biodiversity of a specific region
Invasive Aquatic Species
a non-native species that lives in water and could potentially cause ecological harm
(maximum sustainable yield) the largest yield that can be taken from a species’ stock over an indefinite period of time
national parks
(Geographic Information System) a computer system that analyzes and displays geographical information
strip/strand cutting
reconciliation ecology
trawler fishing
a fishing practice that herds and captures the target species, like ground fish or crabs, by towing a net along the ocean floor
multispecies management
specifies the development of a particular ecologically balanced assessment and operation in protecting fish and wildlife
temperate deciduous forests
are a variety of temperate forest ‘dominated’ by trees that lose their leaves each year
strict nature reserves and wilderness areas
is the highest category of protected area recognised by the World Commission on Protected Areas
habitat corridors
is an area of habitat connecting wildlife populations separated by human activities or structures
is a genus belonging to the family Nepidae, known as water scorpions. There are six species found in freshwater habitats in the Northern Hemisphere.
ecological extinction
is the reduction of a species to such low abundance that, although it is still present in the community, it no longer interacts significantly with other species
Being rich nutrients and supporting a large population of plants – the decomposing of this causes animal life to die through the lack of oxygen
Biological Extinction
The absolute disappearance of a species from Earth
Edward O. Wilson
A biologist, ecologist, and naturalist known for developing sociobiology
Tropical Dry Forest
Forests in tropical regions characterized by long dry seasons
The United States Forest Service is a federal agency that manages a large amount of public national forests and grasslands
vast areas of land that support grazing animals
international whaling commision
global body charged witht he conservation of whales and the management of whaling
ounces per square yard
natural calamity
a natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard
habitat/species management areas
an area managed mainly for the conservation through management intercention designed to ensure the mintenance of habitats and to meet the requirements of specific species
1964 wildnerness act
preserve and protect certain lands in their natural condition and thus secure or present and future generations the beneits of wilderness
crown fires
a forest fire that spreads from treetop to treetop
local extinction
a species that ceasese to exist in a chosen geographical area of study, but still exsist else where
the area of ocean needed to sustain the fish consumption of an average person, a nation, or the world
long lining fishing
using a long line behind a boat to catch fish
sustainable aquaculture
an aquaculture practice that accounts for environmental sustainability
tropical rainforest
rainforests that occur in areas with little to no dry seasons
protected landscapes and seascapes
an area of land/sea that is meant to be conserved for environmental sustainability
buffer zone concept
designated areas used to protect sensitive landscape patches
Environmental impact statement - a document required by the 1969 National Environmental Policy Act that highlights environmental impacts of projects
habitat loss
the process where a natural habitat becomes incapable of supporting its native species