Keywords E Flashcards
open mining pit
surface mining the remove minerals from the ground leaving a big pit
strip mining
removing strips of soil and rock to expose ores
contour mining
form of mining on hills and leaves a series of terraces on the side
spoil banks
the sinking in of the earth’s surface due to natural processes or human activities, can be gradual or immediate
fuel produced by renewable biomass
geothermal energy
heat generated from the earth
thermal inertia
The amount of time it takes for one’s body to heat up to the same temperature as its surroundings
Oceanic Ridge
A continuous mountain chain that rises from the ocean floor.
Convergent Plates
Where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other, and often slide over each other.
When the edge of one of Earth’s tectonic plates is pushed into the mantle below another plate.
Subduction Zone
A spot where two of the planet’s tectonic plates collide and one dives beneath the other.
A long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor.
Transform Fault
A type of fault in which two tectonic plates slide past one another.
Liquified Petroleum Gases
A flammable fuel which contains a mixture of hydrocarbon gases.
Liquified Natural Gases
A natural gas that has been converted to a liquid form for transport.
A nonrenewable fossil fuel that is combusted and used to generate electricity.
the braking up of rocks due to roots and plant life
the earth being worn away by rain, wind or ice
a crack in a rock that is distinctly separated
molten rock that has reached the surface
seismic wave
vibrations generated by earthquakes
a point where light/heat/radiation rays meet after being refracted or reflected.
nuclear fuel cycle
the process that prepares uranium for nuclear reactors while still safely managing and disposing of used nuclear fuel
nuclear fusion
two atomic nuclei combine to form a larger one while releasing large amounts of energy
nuclear fission
an atom is split apart into two separate nuclei, releasing energy
high grade ore
contains a high concentration of a desired mineral
low grade ore
contains a low concentration of desired mineral
surface mining
when surface rocks and soil that are covering mineral deposits are removed
map of the land and its characteristics
subsurface mining
extraction of a resource from deep underground
the layer of earth and rock that is removed to access the resources that are being mined
photovoltaic cells (PV)
electrical cells that allow sun light to be converted into electricity
a fuel made from corn and wheat that is a renewable resource
any organic resource that can be used as an energy source
a small particle that ranges between 1-100 nanometers in size
in-situ mining
known as solution mining. this involves leaving the ore where it is in the ground and recovering the minerals by dissolving and pumping it to the surface.
is a process in mining that extracts valuable metal from a low graded ore
continental shelf
the area of seabed around a large landmass where the sea is relatively shallow compared to the open ocean
the term used to describe energy flow
peak demand
the time where demand is highest on the grid as a whole
municipal solid waste
consists of everyday items such as product packaging
removal of dissolved materials from soil by water moving downwards through soil
natural geological hazards
naturally occurring disasters caused by the environment or Earth
the middle and innermost part of the Earth, consisting of magma and molten rock
continental crust
the outer layer of the Earth’s lithosphere that forms landmasses
net energy yield
the amount of energy available from a resource minus the amount of energy needed to make it available
crude oil/petroleum
a yellowish-black liquid found in rocks and geological formations; often used as a fuel source
the point on the earths surface that is directly above the focus(the point of orgin) of an earthquake
the degree of brightness of a star or other celestial body
the state or quality of being ample especially as to breath or width largeness
richter scale
the richter scale is named after the american seismologist charles francis richter
a tsunami is a seris of ocean waves that sends surges of water sometimes reaching heights of over 100 feet
mass wasting
downhill movement of the soil and rock fragments induced by gravity
the simultaneous production of two or more forms of energy from a single fuel source
passive solar heating
the use of the suns energy for the heating and cooling of living spaces by exposure to the sun
active solar heating
the energy from the sun that is increased by the use of electricity or other mechanical equipment